Radical anti-Semitic Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar was back at it yesterday in tweeting out her support for a Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt.
Publication: The Gateway Pundit
Massive Crowd of Thousands Stands Outside Grand Rapids Rally to Hear Trump
Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale put the overflow crowd at nearly 20,000, posting over a Trump video of the huge line waiting to get in the rally.
Source Says Fox News Host Worked to Get Pirro Suspended to Curry Favor with Dems
A source with intimate knowledge of the situation is claiming two Fox News hosts secretly maneuvered to get Judge Jeanine Pirro suspended over her controversial remarks about Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), with one, Bret Baier, allegedly seeking to curry favor with Democrats to reverse a decision to not allow Fox to host any of the party’s presidential primary debates by getting Fox to suspend Pirro.
AOC Arrives at SXSW in Big Gas Guzzler to Preach Green New Deal
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to force you to give up hamburgers, gas and airplanes to save the planet. But she is more important than you and will travel as she damn well pleases!
Cory Booker Tells Meat Eaters Their Days Are Numbered
This won’t go over well with Middle America or the millions of American meateaters.
76,325 Illegal Aliens Apprehended at Border in February
This was single worst month in eleven years since 2008. And there are several more caravans on their way to the US. If this continues nearly a million illegal aliens will be apprehended at the border this year.
Here We Go Again….Former Campaign Staffer Claims Trump Kissed Her Without Consent
The Trump Russia canard is crumbling so the media has drummed up another fake scandal to harass President Trump.
Entire “Empire” Cast Cut an Ad Supporting Crooked Hillary
Actor Jussie Smollett from “Empire” made headlines in January when he accused white Trump supporters of confronting him late at night on a sub-freezing Chicago night, beating him, pouring bleach on him, and stringing a noose around his neck. On Thursday Smollett’s story collapsed after police arrested two African acquaintances from the “Empire” show.
CBS Opens Interview with Democrat KKK Governor Coonman with Biased Question
“I know this has been a very difficult week for you,” said interviewer Gayle King. Can you even imagine a Republican politician being treated with such kid gloves after they were caught in KKK blackface photos?
Democrats Wear White Gowns to SOTU in Wake of Northam KKK Scandal
Maybe white wasn’t the best choice for Democrats to wear while embroiled in a KKK scandal.
The Trump Curse: Rams Said They Might Skip the White House Visit if They Won Super Bowl
The Trump-hating liberal media asked coach McVay about his plans this week prior to Sunday’s game.
Website Claims Police Are Not Convinced Jussie Smollett Is Telling the Truth About Alleged Assault
MTO News – the most visited African American News Network – reported the Chicago police do not believe the evolving story of the alleged assault.
NY Manufacturer Introduces Kamala Harris Action Figure — Bed Not Included
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted this week to an extramarital affair with Kamala Harris.
Brown also admitted to giving Harris her first state jobs worth $400,000.
Defamation Dream Team Assembling to Take on Journalists and Celebrities Who Attacked Covington Kids
A team of very high profile lawyers are joining together to fight for justice for the Covington Catholic High School students who were ruthlessly attacked by the media following a school trip to DC for the March for Life.
SNL Writer Offers Blowj*bs in Exchange for Someone Punching a Covington Student
Despite the media narrative being widely debunked — and the proof that the kids were well-behaved while adults hurled racial slurs and insults at them — “comedian” Sarah Beattie has opted to solicit violence in exchange for sex acts.
Is FBI General Counsel James Baker the Leaker of the Latest on Trump as Russian Agent?
Was Baker part of an effort to take down the White House when Trump ascended to office? Yes, it appears so. Was he in the middle of the dump Trump schemes? Yes, it is apparent.
Mueller and Bill Barr Have Been Best Friends for 20 years
The wives share a bible study and Mueller attended the wedding of Barr’s daughter, according to Lindsey Graham.
Pelosi and Schumer Freak Out Viewers with Response to Trump’s Address
Blank Stares, scowls and crazy eyes consume Dem response.
“Join Us Saturday at a St. Louis Rally in Support of Border Security and President Trump”
Do you stand with Pelosi? Or do you stand with Donald Trump?
Why the Trump Wall Is Needed
By using sophisticated analytical models, high resolution satellite imagery and loads and loads of big data (predictive analytics), applying proven algorithms, we can now predict where the flows will take place and deploy both border guards and laser (Taser) guns from armed drones to stun the perpetrators – thereby thwarting illegal entry of both people and drugs into the United States.
Why Can’t the US Have a Wall?
Hungary has a wall. Israel has a wall. Turkey has a wall. Nancy Pelosi’s backyard has a wall.
Pelosi and Schumer Post Same Trump-Hating Tweet on Christmas Eve
No wonder Trump toys with these two clowns like they’re naughty 4th graders.
CFO of Clinton Foundation Turns Government Informant
The former Chief Financial Officer of the Clinton Foundation has turned on the crime family and is now working as a government informant. This could spell doom for the Clinton Crime Family.
Migrant Beats Priest to Death with Metal Crucifix
Lois Sindbad admitted this week to murdering Father Alain-Florent Gandoulou in Germany with a metal crucifix. Sindbad then jammed an umbrella down the priest’s throat.