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Source Says Fox News Host Worked to Get Pirro Suspended to Curry Favor with Dems

The Gateway Pundit

A source with intimate knowledge of the situation is claiming two Fox News hosts secretly maneuvered to get Judge Jeanine Pirro suspended over her controversial remarks about Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), with one, Bret Baier, allegedly seeking to curry favor with Democrats to reverse a decision to not allow Fox to host any of the party’s presidential primary debates by getting Fox to suspend Pirro.

Why the Trump Wall Is Needed

The Gateway Pundit

By using sophisticated analytical models, high resolution satellite imagery and loads and loads of big data (predictive analytics), applying proven algorithms, we can now predict where the flows will take place and deploy both border guards and laser (Taser) guns from armed drones to stun the perpetrators – thereby thwarting illegal entry of both people and drugs into the United States.