And it’s not even close.
Publication: The Federalist
Biden, Not Trump, Is Responsible for Creating Constant Chaos
We’ve been repeatedly told the problem with Trump is that his administration was nonstop chaos — but you have to be an ignoramus or a journalist to believe that political affairs under Biden haven’t become far more chaotic.
Elites Love the “Deep State” Because They Loathe the People
By Marco Rubio: Left-wing elites want to protect the ‘deep state’ because it shields them from accountability as they pursue their own agendas.
Why Are Women Naturally Drawn to Toxic Leftist Beliefs?
The left weaponizes women’s tendency to be more caring and nurturing. They play on emotions all women likely have felt at some point in their lives — the feeling of being taken advantage of, dispossessed, or patronized.
Pro-Abortion Terrorist Gets Lighter Sentence Than Pro-Life Activists
Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury, who firebombed the pro-life Wisconsin Family Action offices on Mother’s Day, is sentenced to 7.5 years.
Dems Don’t Want You to Know How Moderate Trump’s Abortion Stance Is
Come to think of it, the GOP’s federal bill is also pretty moderate.
Biden’s New Student Loan Bailout Is a Hefty Election-Year Bribe
The Democrat’s election-year bribe would be paid for by taxpayers forced to shoulder an ever-expanding national debt.
Prof Reveals DEI Rot in Our Military Institutions
Author and professor Bruce Fleming documents the pervasiveness of DEI throughout the U.S. Naval Academy and shows how the institution’s cookie-cutter bureaucracy is crippling individuality among the school’s midshipmen.
Midwest City Diverted Thousands in Taxpayer Covid Relief to Illegal Aliens
Madison, Wisconsin, is among several blue cities and states that used taxpayer-funded Covid aid for programs for illegal immigrants.
Pete Buttigieg Is the Worst Transportation Secretary Ever
Buttigieg, arguably the laziest man in Sleepy Joe Biden’s cabinet (and among the most incompetent), seems to be thinking hard about leaving the rough-and-tumble world of politics behind. It’s just too much work.
Nobody Believes Biden’s Trans Day on Easter Was a Coincidence
The White House wants you to believe the Christian conservatives who criticized Biden for pushing radical gender ideology during Holy Week are the bad guys.
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Single Liberal Woman
The left gives single women a lot of rationale to feel better about themselves and the poor choices they’ve made. The message was that sex without commitment is empowering, despite the very real possibility of it leading to dreadful outcomes, including sexual abuse.
Insufferable NBC Hosts Save Democracy by Blowing Up Ronna McDaniel’s Contract
Their on-air tantrums over McDaniel’s ephemeral employment are why she’s now out of a $300,000 contract and now they get to spend another 48 hours patting each other on the back for having once again fought off fascism.
GOP Can Win Over Unmarried Women By Exposing Abortion Extremism
Unmarried women are a prime target of Democrat efforts, likely bombarded with pro-abortion messaging that is unrelentingly negative toward Republicans. Expose them to new information about a Democrat candidate’s support for unfettered abortion, and the Republican might not seem quite as bad in comparison.
How to Save Your Local Library from Cultural Marxists
After discovering pornographic material in the children’s section, a group of parents in a small Alabama town took on the entire city council and won.
Get Tough on Mexico to Stop the Border Invasion
Mexico isn’t a partner or a friend on our southern border. It’s an antagonist, and it’s time we treat it as such.
Biden’s New EV Mandate Is a “Bloodbath” for Consumers, Carmakers and the “Climate”
The EPA is rolling out stringent tailpipe rules correctly described as an ‘electrical vehicle mandate in disguise.’
Media Give Blasey Ford Another Chance to Smear Brett Kavanaugh
The press is once again treating Christine Blasey Ford with little journalistic skepticism as they promote her splashy new memoir.
Clutch Your Pearls, This Isn’t the Last Trump “Bloodbath”
You don’t need to be a fan of Donald Trump to concede that this weekend’s meltdown over the word “bloodbath” was cynical and dishonest. And you don’t have to be Nostradamus to predict that we’re going to be inundated with a string of similar fabricated meltdowns this cycle.
It’s Perverted Justice to Let Fani Willis Keep Prosecuting Trump
Fani Willis and the Fulton County D.A.’s office now have a personal stake in prosecuting the defendants who exposed Willis’s affair.
2024 Shapes Up to Be the “We Were Right About Everything” Election
Crime, Covid, the economy, immigration, foreign policy, education — Biden’s poor ratings show voters are starting to ask if Democrats have gotten any issue right in the last four years.
Trans Movement Thinks Kids Have Right to Mutilation
The latest cover of New York Magazine is clear. The transgender movement is coming for your kids — and not trying to hide it.
DEI-Obsessed Universities Overprice Degrees and Under-Deliver on Them
Spending on DEI has taken away valuable resources that could have been committed to supporting more students and improving education outcomes.
Kimmel Couldn’t Resist Trump Jab During Unwoke Oscars
Kimmel had to look into the camera, smirk, and remind you he’s on the team trying to send your guy to jail.