Unlike years prior, football players are no longer afraid to show their support for the incoming president.
Publication: The Federalist
The Biggest Losers on Election Night Were the Obamas
In some ways, voters chose Trump as a rejection of the Obamas’ brand of leftism.
Crybaby Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Win
The collective leftist celebrity freakout over Trump’s second presidential win has been absolutely insane — and delightful.While a bit muted compared to his stunning presidential election victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, the gnashing of elitist teeth since the Blue Wall’s fall has been GLORIOUS!
2024’s Biggest Loser Is the Corporate Media Industrial Complex
Kamala Harris is only the second-biggest loser of the night. Her media shills are nursing wounds that will take far longer to recover from.
The Best Thing for America Would Be a Trump Blowout
America needs a decisive victory to communicate to Democrat leaders, media propagandists, bureaucratic tyrants, violent rioters, Big Tech censors, race hustlers, and rogue three-letter agencies that their underhanded and often illegal actions will not be rewarded with electoral victory.
If Trump Wins, He Should Arrest and Prosecute Jimmy Kimmel
The law is the law, and Jimmy Kimmel broke it. Or at least, he broke the law as it has been outrageously interpreted according to President Joe Biden’s Justice Department, which prosecuted and jailed Douglass Mackey for making an almost identical joke to the one Kimmel made on Wednesday night.
Kamala Won’t Win GenZ Voters with Memes and Vibes
This is a presidential election, not a vote on who should be the next member of the Hype House.
Holocaust Survivors Condemn Kamala Comparing Trump to Hitler
Equating the former president to Hitler is a disgrace and a disservice to the Holocaust dead, survivors and their families, Steve Litwok said.
The Social Stigma of Being a Trump Supporter Is Gone
Trump supporters are speaking out because no one cares anymore what our dishonest media and degenerate cultural elite think.
Kamala’s Anti-White Racism Is Showing
How did we get to where a major party’s presidential campaign thinks it is a good idea to send out a racially discriminatory policy proposal?
The Real Reason Men Just Aren’t into Democrats
It’s not Harris’s campaign ads that are repelling men; it’s her female supporters. This means we need to consider the typical leftist woman and what she values. These days, she is most likely unmarried, childless, nonreligious, loves abortion
Kamala Isn’t Verbally Skilled Enough to Hide Her Extremism
Democrats, desperate to rid themselves of Biden’s communication failures, managed to pick someone worse.
All the People on Record Debunking the Atlantic’s Latest Trump Hoax
Two weeks before Election Day, with Trump on the upswing and all the “joy” vanished from the Kamala Harris campaign, the Atlantic has once again found anonymous sources to accuse Trump of a smorgasbord of outlandish comments, including a negative remark about a murdered Army soldier. And once again, multiple and credible on-the-record denials immediately undermined the story.
Kamala Is Not a Girl’s Girl
With her Clinton-esque pantsuit girlboss persona and promise to keep Trump from turning America into the Republic of Gilead, she has won over many older women. With younger women, it is not so easy. She is reminiscent of an awkward college professor trying to relate to students with an outdated playlist of “girl power” anthems and years-old memes in her PowerPoints.
Trump Is Funny and Kamala Is Petulant
Despite her constant cackling, we learned last week that Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t very funny. In fact, she can be downright grouchy if you ask her a difficult question. On the other hand, the guy the left and corporate media have painted as the next Hitler is a hoot.
Kamala Endorsed Trans Operations for Prisoners
Kamala Harris told Fox News host Bret Baier she would “follow the law” when asked about her support for prisoner “sex change” surgeries. According to the law under the Biden-Harris administration, trans-identifying prisoners could be entitled to taxpayer dollars for the procedures.
Kamala Is Priming Dems for Violence if Trump Wins
The purpose of constantly invoking the specter of a dictatorship under Trump is to condition Democrats to react violently if Harris loses.
Media Election Interference Is Worse Than Ever
As the life cycle of each media lie shrinks, the disinformation gets even more desperate.
Kamala Is Too Stupid to Be President
Democrats have fallen in line behind geriatric and mentally impaired candidates before. They’ll gladly fall in line behind a stupid one now.
A Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Normalcy
Trump may be an abnormal politician, but when it comes to delivering actual normalcy, he’s the better choice this November.
Kamala Is Poised to Revive the Worst Aspects of FDR’s Socialist Agenda
She seems to think quoting FDR will reassure voters, but it should terrify them.
Kamala’s Record Shows She Hates America
For years, Harris has consistently held anti-American views and pushed policies that undercut her claim to “love America.”
Vance’s “Mansplaining” Sends Feminists to the Fainting Couch
J.D. Vance’s reasonable argument with the debate moderators over their unprofessional conduct is sending left-wing feminists into fits.
Vance KOs Walz, Harris and Media on Illegal Immigration Spin
Trump’s running mate not only took it to Vice President Kamala Harris and her No. 2, but to the Dem-friendly CBS News moderators.