Self-appointed pope of all New Yorkers Kathy Hochul appeared at a megachurch to preach her COVID doctrines, saying ‘I need you to be my apostles’ for preaching universal vaccination to the unsaved.
Publication: The Federalist
Arizona Audit Finds Potentially Election-Shifting Number of Illegal Ballots
While the reports made several significant findings supporting former President Trump’s complaints about the 2020 election, the corporate media ignored those aspects of the audit.
By the Left’s Standards, the Pro-Fat Movement Is Institutional Racism
As obesity rates are highest among African-Americans and Hispanics, one would think a campaign for social justice would be a campaign against obesity.
Netflix’s “Manifest” Bucks Hollywood Playbook with a Devoted Family at Its Core
“Manifest” certainly isn’t a Christian show, but in a post-Enlightenment age where relativist humanism reigns supreme, its reminder that a higher power exists is relevant.
Document Shows Biden Taking Orders from Planned Parenthood
The Biden administration is flouting the law to push through a massive financial favor to the powerful and lucrative abortion industry that backed Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy with tens of millions of dollars.
Frustrated California Voters May Have Lost on Recall, But the War on Newsom Isn’t Over
Some California residents were stunned, but others said they are determined to use the power they amassed to create the recall to keep fighting to hold the governor accountable for his tyranny.
What Those Who Sacrificed for 9/11 Deserve from Americans Now
We have been a decadent, woke, rump kowtower to a gulag state. Instead, we must be America again — cultivating excellence, instilling confidence, and creating patriots.
“I Hate Masks Because They Force Me to Live by Lies”
Joy Pullmann: Being forced to wear a mask is being forced to communicate that I support treating Covid-19 as if it should take priority over everything else in life. That’s not only false, but evil.
Fauci’s NIAID Funded Experiment Feeding Dogs to Infected Flies
Recently discovered records appear to show that Fauci’s division of the NIH, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to perform experiments on beagles. Apparently, scientists used taxpayer funds to “drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hundreds of infected sand flies.”
Our Defeat in Afghanistan Is Only the Beginning
As the post-9/11 chapter closes, a new one begins, marked above all by the end of American deterrence and the eclipse of American power.
The Left’s Hysteria About Covid Is Much Worse Than QAnon
While the left loves to play up QAnon, they pshaw away the fact that Democrats’ entire rationale for ruling right now is a set of far more destructive conspiracy theories.
Pretending Covid Is an Emergency Is Killing America
There is no justification for the continued suspension of the American form of self-government that secures all our individual rights and liberties.
Biden Is Unfit to Lead and Should Be Impeached
The deadly attacks in Afghanistan should be the final straw for Biden, whose incompetence has now cost the lives of at least a dozen American soldiers.
Kenosha Is a Political Liability for Dems
They lit the match and let it go up in flames. Last year’s Jacob Blake and Kyle Rittenhouse shootings didn’t just change the people of Kenosha; they also changed the politics.
You Don’t Need to Go to Kabul to See the End of American Order. It’s Right Here
In many of our major cities, gangs of masked thugs and criminals do what they please — and our far-better-armed police aren’t allowed to stop it.
America’s Afghanistan Failure Is a Call to Clean House
The whole-of-government approach to failure in a 20-year, $2 trillion fraud and money-laundering scheme has resulted in an epiphany for Americans: their country is ruled by crooks, liars, and thieves.
Biden Is Lying. We Are Going to Leave Thousands of Americans in Afghanistan
In Biden’s remarks to the press Friday, he was either openly deceiving the American people or he is completely unaware of conditions in Kabul.
Leftists Are Living in a Fantasy World While Burning Down the Real One
Adding extreme social leftism to the usual political greed and stupidity has been catastrophic, from the military to education to border security.
Biden Must Answer for the Disaster in Kabul
No one is debating the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The question is, why did the withdrawal devolve into a horrifying disaster?
Biden Can’t Blame Trump for the Afghan Withdraw Disaster
Under Biden’s direct command, the Taliban reportedly seized hundreds of U.S. Humvees, Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, and several million-dollar U.S. drones.
How Many Other Andrew Cuomo Are Elites Covering for?
The media played cheerleader instead of investigator, enabling a powerful man to exploit women and elderly people for personal pleasure and political points. Who else are they covering for?
Vaccine and Mask Coercion Is a Purge of Republican Voters
Republicans are still by and large allowing their own voters to be purged from employment and schooling based on their evidence-informed convictions that oppose reality-defying leftist groupthink.
Why Liberals Hate Hungary’s Viktor Orban So Much
Hungarian President Viktor Orban was a once a dissident against communism. Then he turned to faith and flag—and became a heretic against liberalism.
The 1619 Project Conveniently Overlooks the Racist Past of Dems
Democrats who advanced a bill in June to remove statues of white supremacists from the U.S. Capitol ignored a central fact about those figures: All of them had been icons of their party, from Andrew Jackson’s adamantly pro-slavery vice president, John Calhoun, to NC Gov. Charles B. Aycock, an architect of the white-supremacist campaign of 1898 that ushered in the era of Jim Crow.