Any able-bodied man over 16-years-old had a moral obligation to defend Kenosha against vandals, looters, and arsonists attacking while police stood down.
Publication: The Federalist
Military Vaccine Mandates Sow Chaos as Many Seek Exemptions
Mixed messaging, unclear consequences for refusal, differing deadlines, and exemption goalpost-shifting have converged to create mass chaos in the military.
The 1619 Project Book’s Goal Is to Keep Slandering America
The myth that Nicole Hannah-Jones and others have conjured is more than a sop to aggrieved activists. It is also a charter for misreading our entire history.
How Covid Lockdowns Gave Climate Extremists the Tools to Crush Freedom
Wouldn’t it be grand, our technocrats think, if they could turn the Covid-19 emergency into a permanent emergency over climate? The possibilities are limitless.
The Rittenhouse Prosecutor’s Case Comes Down to Rioting Good, Self-Defense Bad
The bulk of Thomas Binger’s questioning of Rittenhouse on Wednesday assumed that unless a person has physically touched you, there is no reason to protect yourself with force that may prove deadly.
Why Does Michigan Still Have 25,000 Dead People on Its Voter Rolls?
Further investigation by a nonprofit law firm revealed evidence indicating 334 individuals in Michigan had registered to vote after their deaths.
If Kavanaugh and Barrett Betray Pro-Lifers, We Must Blow Up the Right’s Legal Movement
If we don’t have justices who are comfortable overturning outrageously unconstitutional abortion rulings, it will be proof of the conservative legal movement’s utter failure.
University of Michigan Paid CRT Peddler $266 Per Minute for Zoom Lecture
The school paid a critical race theory activist close to $266 per minute—in total, $20,000—to lecture on systemic racism over Zoom.
In Virginia, the Consultant Class Fades as the New Culture Wars Dawn
The decision to overrule liberal consultants and sign a pledge against critical race theory was the first indication of change — and saw Glenn Youngkin beat out the favorite for the nomination.
It Doesn’t Matter Who Wins in Virginia, Dems Have Already Lost
Terry McAuliffe should be coasting to victory in Virginia. Instead, he’s revealed just how weak and out of touch Democrats are.
Alex Vindman Is the Dopey Hack We All Thought He Was
Alexander Vindman, the retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who helped plot the botched impeachment of former President Donald Trump in what amounted to a failed coup attempt, thinks Tucker Carlson should be “censured” for saying things Vindman doesn’t like about the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
Virginia Dems Claim “Free and Fair” Elections While Rigging It Again
Democrats sure want you to believe the electoral changes they enacted for 2021 in Virginia somehow add up to ‘free and fair.’ The reality is the opposite.
How Virginia Dems Are Working to Make Elections Sloppy Again
It doesn’t matter if Republicans get a wave in 2021 and 2022 if the Democrats who control urban areas again make fraud and elections decided by courts more likely.
Merrick Garland’s Message to Concerned Parents Is Clear: Shut Up or Else
The collusion between Biden’s White House, woke school boards, and the DOJ serves one purpose: to intimidate parents into silence.
Leftist Shadow Governments Control a Lot More Than Our Elections
This kind of tax-exempt political interference is now standard practice for the world’s far-left ultra-rich, and it’s affecting a whole lot more than elections.
Dems Pushing Transgenderism Are Responsible for School Bathroom Sexual Assaults
Democrats and school administrators are tossing aside student safety to instead focus on normalizing their crazed gender ideology.
The Worst Is Yet to Come from Biden’s Vaccine Coercion
The vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission. As a result, we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rationale.
Teachers Are Being Re-Educated in Critical Race Theory
These seminars and workshops show critical race theory is no longer “fringe” but is well within the mainstream of elementary and secondary education.
The Purpose of the Jan. 6 Select Committee Is to Suppress Free Speech
he message is clear: if you exercise your First Amendment rights for a cause that those in power have not approved, you will be targeted.
Military Investigating Battle-Scarred Marine for Shaking Trump’s Hand at Rally
The U.S. military is going after a young Marine from Georgia who dared to show his face at a Donald Trump rally in September.
How to Stop the Entire World from Marching Across the U.S. Border
With friends like Columbia, Panama, and Costa Rica moving oceans of global migrants to the U.S. southern border, who needs enemies?
Can the Supreme Court Be Trusted on the Second Amendment?
Thus far, even “conservatives” on the court have shown they aren’t comfortable with Americans being armed to the extent the Framers intended.
Vaccine Mandates from Private Employers Are Destroying Livelihoods
Private companies are proving just as draconian as federal and state governments, threatening Americans with financial ruin if they don’t get a Covid shot.
After You Buy a Gun for Self-Defense, Here’s What to Do Next
Unmarked graves around the world are full of people who thought the mass murders that always accompany leftist dictatorships wouldn’t happen to them either. If you’re a gun owner thinking “Okay, point made. Now what?,” here are some suggestions for getting your defensive act together.