Equating the U.S. Capitol riot with GOP efforts to reform election laws is a way to avoid honest debate over the latter.
Publication: The Federalist
Far-Left DAs Have Unleashed Murder Rates in Cities Like Philadelphia
Even before COVID or BLM riots, crime rates began to rise under leftist district attorneys who refuse to put criminals in jail.
The CDC Now Treats Unvaccinated the Same as Un-Boosted, Just as the DeSantis Predicted
The CDC is moving goalposts again, changing the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ to include a third shot.
Let 2022 Be the Year When We Say Enough
Ben Domenech: Let this be the year where we say enough, no more. When we demand more of our nation, our neighbors and ourselves. Things cannot continue as they are. This is not the new normal, we refuse to let it be.
It’s Time for the Black Community to Embrace a Post-Racial America
This is the least racist period in the history of our country. If black Americans want to address disparity, we must start with the black nuclear family.
“All I Want for Christmas Is an Un-Woke ‘Survivor’ Season”
Jordan Boyd: The dramatic ‘social experiment’ that captured viewers’ attention for years has slowly but surely pivoted to cater to the woke crowd.
2021’s Top 10 Family Films
Includes “Respect,” “In the Heights” and “The Courier.”
The Media’s Freakout Over Omicron Variant Is Psychotic
Rather than return to lockdowns and school closures — to say nothing of canceling holiday gatherings — there’s every reason to believe we’ll be able to weather this surge with minimal disruption.
As His Presidency Founders, Biden Scapegoats the Unvaccinated
Amid rising inflation, an ongoing border crisis, and a stalled legislative agenda, Biden is looking for someone to blame.
Dems Prepare to Dump Biden Now That He’s Served His Purpose
Just a year after a record 81 million Americans voted for Biden, they’re now being told it didn’t work out. Sorry. It’s coming within the timeframe of the traditional presidential “honeymoon,” that brief period presidents are normally at their zenith of political power and brimming to pass a bold agenda.
10 Christmas Songs That Must Be Cancelled
Includes: “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” (nowhere in the song does Santa give Mommy any consent to kiss him); “White Christmas” (blatant White supremacy); and “Deck the Halls (with lyrics like “Don we now our gay apparel,” this song is an appropriation of LGBT culture).
During Jan. 6 Hearings, Schiff Doctored Texts Between Meadows and Jim Jordan
Not only did Schiff misrepresent the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored original text messages, which were obtained and reviewed by The Federalist in their entirety.
LA Schools Host LGBT Club for 4-Year-Olds
An LGBT club for kindergarteners, “two-spirit” sexuality, and a radical leftwing understanding of sex were all promoted in the nation’s second largest school district.
Forcing People into Covid Vaccines Ignores Important Scientific Data
Now more than ever we need substantive debate about decisions that affect the health of hundreds of millions of people, including views counter to official positions. Instead, the attacks on free speech and science are unrelenting.
Defending Pedophilia Is the Logical Conclusion of Queer Theory
In the name of “dismantling” sexual “power structures,” queer theorists must make things that were once taboo (like sexualizing children) no longer taboo.
Another Lawsuit Raises Trump’s Best Defense Against the Jan. 6 Committee
Because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi failed to appoint the requisite number of members, the Jan. 6 committee is arguably invalid under its own authorizing resolution.
Failed Interventionists Agitate for War in Ukraine
The debate over Ukraine and Taiwan is actually a debate about whether American foreign policy should serve our interests, or everyone else’s.
Obsessing Over “The Health of the Nation” Conjures Some Dark Places
Hatred of vaccine dissidents expresses itself first in marginalization and demonization. Then it advances to punishment. The larger end game appears to have little to do with public health.
We Need a More Forceful Pushback to a Hostile Media
Casey Chalk: Sometimes I play a game in which I try to see if the WaPo can go a day without having an article on race in every single section of the paper. Most days I lose. And if it’s not race, there will inevitably be some other hobbyhorse of identity politics…
Media’s Systemic Corruption Is Far Worse Than Chris Cuomo Coverup
How is the media’s reporting, born of the incestuous relationship between leftist media and government partisans, any less troubling than the help Chris Cuomo provided his brother?
U.S. Space Academies Tout “Diversity” as China Preps to Dominate Space
The United States may soon lose its status as a truly global superpower, both on Earth and in the heavens of low orbit.
Hospital Struggles to Treat 18 Waukesha Victims Due to Vaccine Mandate
A high-ranking official said the hospital currently has hundreds of open positions and attributes much of the staffing shortage to the Covid-19 vaccine mandate.
Assume Everything Corporate Media Says Is a Lie
The media’s deluge of lies about the Rittenhouse case is a disturbing reminder that the corporate press lies about everything all the time.
The Nation’s Top Scientists Lied About Covid and Got Away with It
Dr. Scott Atlas: CDC Director Robert Redfield’s congressional testimony on September 23 immediately caught my attention. I watched in disbelief as Redfield told Congress that “more than 90 percent of the population”—more than three hundred million people in the US—remains susceptible to the illness. (Excerpt from his Dec. 7 book.)