As Hillary Clinton reemerges out of the ashes of a failed presidential campaign for a potential bid in 2024, questions remain about what she knew and when she knew it regarding her operation’s collusion crusade with crimes far beyond the worst transgressions of the Watergate scandal. On Saturday, U.S. Special Counsel John Durham revealed in his probe’s latest filing the Clinton campaign hired tech workers to spy on Trump.
Publication: The Federalist
Infidelity Is Bad for Society, So Why Does Hollywood Keep Romanticizing It?
Fan favorites that excuse disloyalty in the name of “true love” include “Me Before You,” “Titanic,” “Love, Actually,” “Sleepless in Seattle,” “Letters to Juliet,” and “While You Were Sleeping.” There’s also a long list of TV shows such as “Sex and The City,” “Friends,” and “The Office” that are also guilty of endorsing unfaithful behavior so the characters can supposedly find the love and happiness they think they deserve.
McConnell Shouldn’t Promote Media Lies About RNC Censure of Cheney
All Republican elected officials should be working for the Republican Party and against Pelosi, not for her. McConnell not questioning the legitimacy of the committee, which has not a single Republican-appointed member, is insane and inexplicable. No reasonable person thinks the January 6 committee is conducting an inquiry but an inquisition.
Why Aren’t Media Covering the Car That Smashed the Freedom Convoy?
It seems as if once again large news corporations want to sweep the incident under the rug, much like they did with the Waukesha Christmas parade hit-and-run hate crime that killed seven and injured more. Notice that legacy media isn’t talking about that anymore?
The RNC’s Censure of Cheney, Kinzinger Is Absolutely Justified
It is simply illogical for a party to continue to privilege members who repeatedly and tangibly work to oppose its interests. So in this sense, the actions of the RNC are not overwrought or even needlessly partisan. They are entirely rational. You don’t continue to bunk up with people who continually try to shiv you.
How Green Energy Fantasies Have Put the World at the Brink of War
Europe’s aggressive leap towards ‘green’ energy is proving to be a grave mistake, making it reliant on aggressive foreign neighbors.
Cancel Culture Attacks Are Leftist Attempts to Protect Their Pagan Pulpits
It seems that every day in this era of wrath and buffoonery, woke lefties wake up and seek to devour someone’s career like a bowl of Lucky Charms. In recent days, they homed in on one fresh-faced target and one familiar punching bag — the former being author and legal scholar Ilya Shapiro and the latter being podcaster-comedian Joe Rogan.
Indoctrination Prompts Wave of Candidates for Texas Board of Education
When leftist administrations and Democrat-linked teachers unions lobbied to keep students home and glued to iPads during Covid-19 panic, parents in Texas began to pay attention to the racism and radical LGBTQ ideologies schools and libraries have been pushing on children as young as toddlers.
Students Should Leave Creepy College Covid Camps and Start Careers Now
Instead of treading water intellectually, professionally, and personally until their mid-30s, young people can instead use these amazing first two decades of their adulthood to develop real skills, professional relationships, and authority. They just have to get a job and use it to learn skills instead of wasting their lives in college.
Root for Biden to Pick the Most Insane Supreme Court Nominee
The nomination of a far-left candidate provides an opportunity during the confirmation process for Republicans to highlight the public revelations of the Democratic Party’s true far-left goals. Biden has already showcased the party’s obsession with identity politics by promising the country his nominee would be a black woman, so men and whites need not apply.
Under Biden Proposal, Everyone Could More Easily Get Transgender Surgery
There’s no limit to the number of insurance-sponsored surgeries someone could have.
Pulling Your Kids from School Is One Solution to Covid Insanity
If the parents wanted to be truly effective — as well as truly honest — they would pull their children from schools en masse until problems of such serious magnitude were resolved favorably. Sickouts and mass protests are highly effective forms of warfare on children waged by teachers unions all the time. But parents so far haven’t responded in kind.
The New Yorker Lies Again About Clarence Thomas and His Wife
Jane Mayer of The New Yorker magazine and her fellow lefties are ramping up attacks on conservative Supreme Court justices, as they fear the court is getting ready to issue a host of decisions they won’t like, most especially a ruling that may overturn Roe v. Wade. Mayer published a pathetic “hit” piece on Ginni Thomas, a long-time conservative activist and the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas. It’s a dud.
If Trump Greenlighted Russia Like Biden, He Would Have Been Accused of Corruption
After Wednesday’s press conference, the Kremlin likely sees little risk to invading its western neighbor. That’s not all.
The Media’s Attempt to Split DeSantis and Trump Isn’t Working
Whether it comes from the media or establishment figures, a Trump-DeSantis fight at this juncture serves the political enemies of conservative voters.
It Doesn’t Matter That Voters Hate Biden If Dems Can Rig Elections
Democrats are engaged in a full-court press to pass legislation that would brush state election safeguards aside and codify the shenanigans of 2020 into federal law. They’ll nuke the filibuster if they can, a step never taken previously for high-priority legislation but pursued now for a bill that nobody is marching in the streets for.
Texas Synagogue Attack Smells Like More Evidence of FBI Corruption
The FBI’s corrupt obsession and use of resources on cases that suit their political fancy, like the Jan. 6 Capitol riot or “Operation Varsity Blues” (catching rich people scamming to get their underachieving kids into top universities), while letting serious violent threats to Americans fly under the radar is frustrating.
Ron Johnson Often Triggered the Left — And Turned Out to Be Right
While media love to attack Ron Johnson for opinions that don’t conform to the left-wing narrative, those opinions are often exactly right.
The Jan. 6 Investigation We Need Is into the Unlawful Military Occupation of D.C.
The illegal use of extraterritorial National Guard soldiers and airmen as a domestic police force against our citizens must have the founders rolling over in their graves.
Cop Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Now Back in Charge of House Security
The Babbitt family has maintained that the rushed investigation amounted to a “coverup” of misconduct by the officer. It says the federal probe was conducted under political pressure, arguing that Officer Byrd was not put through the normal rigors of a police shooting investigation to avoid making a martyr of Babbitt, an avid Donald Trump supporter.
“I’m Never Getting a Covid Vaccine, and I’m Not Alone”
John Daniel Davidson: At least 40 percent of the country remains unvaccinated. You can’t just write off 130 million Americans as conspiracy theory-addled rubes, or decide it’s okay to dance on their graves if they die of Covid. That’s a recipe for a poisoned public discourse, and it’s fundamentally un-American.
FBI’s McCabe Calls for Feds to Surveil “Mainstream” Conservatives
To Andrew McCabe, January 6 is the key to implementing frighteningly despotic policies that target conservatives.
8 Times Left-Wing Protestors Assaulted Government Buildings
Left-wing demonstrators have long made a habit of attacking, infiltrating, and occupying government buildings.
Health Experts Finally Admit Masks Control People, Not Viruses
We’ve been censored. Hollered at by Karens in the grocery store and sometimes even outdoors. We’ve been lectured, demonized, scoffed at, and called murderers and rubes — all for the sin of ignoring mask security theater. That’s why it’s just remarkable to hear the experts now admit that the same face coverings required in so many establishments and localities are not stopping any virus from spreading.