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How Liberalism Ruined Sex and Degraded Women

The Federalist

It would be good if more women told men to take their internet-induced perversions and shove them. It would also be good if women demanded more emotional commitment from men, rather than settling for hookups. But liberal culture cripples women’s ability to take such stands by vitiating the necessary moral and cultural support for them.

Biden’s Gas Prices Are Hurting People

The Federalist

Skyrocketing fuel costs are not surprising, given the Biden administration’s radical pushes for green energy and its relinquishing of U.S. energy independence since his very first day in office. But while Biden can try to pretend it’s all Russia’s fault, millions of Americans are barely keeping their heads above water. The cost of mobility is completely unsustainable.

The Ruling Class Is a Far Greater Threat to Americans Than Russia Is

The Federalist

From Western Europe to West L.A., we know we’re governed by leaders in business, entertainment, and politics who hold scorn for our country, its history, its heroes, its people, and their religion. They can freeze truckers’ bank accounts and mask children as young as three. They can force vaccinations, close churches, arrest priests, prosecute bakers, empty prisons, defund police, and sometimes even win votes.

How a Trial in Finland Could Have Worldwide Effects on Persecution

The Federalist

The trial of two Finnish Christians for publicly stating mainstream religious teachings that reserve sex only for heterosexual marriage is heading towards a judgment scheduled for March 30. The case could end up hitting Finland’s Supreme Court and even the European Court of Human Rights, which means its outcome could affect the rights of religious believers and political dissidents across the world.