Celebrating “plus-sized” models is all the rage these days. Companies that don’t get in on the fad are themselves shamed for having “fat shamed” — a term to used keep our increasingly unhealthy citizenry comfortable in their own unhealthiness. Regardless of whether you think “fat is beautiful,” it’s not healthy.
Publication: The Federalist
If Biden Was Trying to Destroy America, He’d Do Nothing Differently
Every piece of evidence indicates that every choice Biden’s team makes will not unravel global calamities but instead increase them. And Republican leadership appears to be fine with this.
Congrats to the Media for Finally Finding a White Supremacist
Despite what the media, Democrats, leftists, and, of course, the permanent Washington bureaucracy say (over, and over, and over again), there is no imminent, large-scale threat from white nationalists. It doesn’t exist outside of Joe Biden’s TelePrompter.
Corporate Media Celebrates the Transgender Craze It Helped Create
From glossy magazine covers to sit-down Sunday show interviews, the corporate media is complicit in composing the transgender narrative.
If You Don’t Care About Election Integrity, You’re a Bad American
In 2005, bipartisan leaders cautioned that systemic problems plagued American elections. The 2020 general election saw every problem they warned about come to fruition.
Alaska’s Special Election Reveals How the Left Wants to Rig the Vote
Despite bloated voter rolls and zero safeguards on absentee ballot signatures, Alaska is about to conduct an all mail-in statewide primary.
Overturning Roe Would Bring America Back to Life
If the Supreme Court does not overturn Roe v. Wade, its legitimacy is finished, and so is the nation the Founders created. The opposite is also true.
Why Are So Many Men Desperate to Kill Babies and Traumatize Women?
Some men are panicking about losing their power to exploit women — if not on a personal level, at least exploiting them for political gain.
J.D. Vance and the New Right Are Racking Up Wins
Vance thinks our corporate overlords would happily satiate us with whirling gizmos and gadgets while capturing our culture and selling us out to China. This places him directly at odds with tired, established Republicanism, which would prefer to slander the ghost of Ronald Reagan while they simp for corporations that work to undermine our national economy, our traditions, our families, and even our children’s sexuality.
Before Overturning Roe, Supreme Court Must Block Another Insurrection
While Alito’s draft opinion is being welcomed and celebrated by pro-lifers, and strongly objected to by abortion supporters, the way it became public is a horrific scandal. Someone leaked the draft, almost certainly to pressure the justices to change their views.
Planned Parenthood Is Bringing Their Propaganda Production In-House
After years of pretending to report on the nation’s largest and wealthiest abortion provider, former CBS reporter Kate Smith is now going to work for it. On Monday, Smith proudly announced her new position as the senior director of news content at Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
How Dems’ Culture War Is Destroying Their Ability to Govern
The ideology making Democrats unpopular is also preventing them from understanding why they are unpopular.
The Reason CNN+ Failed Isn’t What You Think
The streamer’s rapid failure is a reminder that CNN fundamentally misunderstands its own brand. The network can’t be neutral because its definition of neutrality is out of step with the public’s—and it can’t be ideological for the exact same reason. This left CNN+ with nowhere to go.
DeSantis Is Right to Attack Disney and the GOP Should Follow
Woke corporations that wage war on families and target children should expect to be targeted in turn by GOP lawmakers.
Cheney Rakes in More Money from Virginia Than Her Home State
Only about two percent of contributors to Liz Cheney’s re-election campaign were from her home state, Wyoming….Cheney’s re-election bid is also being financed by the same Democrat donors who bankrolled the Lincoln Project.
Why Violence Is an Inevitable Outcome of Critical Race Theory
CRT teaches that America and its government are racist and that non-Whites cannot succeed in the system. That leaves violence as the only option.
Montana’s Suspicious 2020 Election Irregularities Are Still Unaddressed
If large errors can occur in even relatively uncontested parts of the country, we should be broadly concerned. What went wrong?
Transgender Activists Use Unreliable Surveys to Emotionally Blackmail Us
The threat of suicide or self-harm should be removed from our political discussions entirely. It is inherently flawed, malicious, and self-serving.
NY Times Writer Admits Schools Are Grooming Kids into LGBT Identities
Is Michelle Goldberg a conservative plant at The New York Times? Although she claims to be a liberal feminist, some of her columns essentially admit that social conservatives have been right. In another entry in this genre, she purports to critique the “freakout over sex and gender identity in schools” — only to tacitly admit that schools are indoctrinating kids into LGBT ideology…
“I Hated Dresses as a Girl”
Jordan Boyd: Thank God my parents didn’t deform me for it.
Will Mandatory Covid Theater Ever End for College Students?
While red and purple state universities move closer to a pre-lockdown normal, schools in blue states still won’t let go of Covid.
Cancel Your Disney Vacation and Go to Dollywood Instead
Dollyworld turned out to be the perfect family getaway, with fresh, clean fun for every age and need.
Weirdos Who Want to Sexualize Kids Should Be Stigmatized as Groomers
Are we really quibbling over whether ‘groomers’ is an OK word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing kids and hiding it from parents?
Disney’s Grooming of Children Is Not New, But Their Openess About It Is
Following the passage of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, outrage ironically came from a place that used to be known for its family-centric audience: Disney. The entertainment giant has been feeding social leftism into the minds of young audiences for a while, but now Disney has dropped all pretenses and is openly bragging about it.