The Never Trump faction is so committed to hating Trump it can’t think clearly about the end of Roe and give credit where credit is due.
Publication: The Federalist
Overturning Roe Definitely Proved the Culture War Is Worth Fighting
At a time when nearly every institution of politics, media, culture, and academia is wielded by people who want to sexualize and racialize children, demonize parents, marginalize religious freedoms, erase the constitutional right to bear arms, and shut down dissenting speech, the right has finally remembered what it’s like to win.
The Pro-Abortion Movement Makes Its Violent Tendencies Clearer Than Ever
Threats, vandalism, doxxing, violence, seeking to intimidate judges — the pro-choice movement is simply showing its true colors.
The DOJ Is a Threat to the Republic
Federal raids this week, along with an inappropriate statement about a SCOTUS ruling, underscore the weaponization of the Department of Justice under Merrick Garland.
Biden Is Hiding His Plan to Rig the 2022 Midterm Election
The White House is refusing to share details about its coordinated efforts to engage in a federal takeover of election administration.
J6 Committee Focuses on Fraud Claims, Ignores Tactics Used to Rig 2020 Election
Stealing an election by fraud is not the only way to rig an outcome. Elections are rigged when systemic violations of election law occur.
Merrick Garland’s Version of Justice for All Doesn’t Include His Political Enemies
A mysterious anarchist-connected group called Jane’s Revenge released a statement last week announcing further acts of violence planned against people who believe babies in the womb deserve to live. Despite the group’s ominous pledge to take “increasingly drastic measures” against pro-lifers, Attorney General Merrick Garland is remarkably silent.
Why Republicans and Democrats Are Wrong About Bill Barr
That U.S. prosecutors didn’t find ballot-stuffing in Detroit and Atlanta says nothing about whether there were systemic violations of election law and illegal voting in 2020.
Jan. 6 Committee Ignores Clear Evidence of Broken Election Laws
The Jan. 6 Committee completely sidestepped the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and more.
Corporate Media Is Completely Out of Touch on What’s Important
Americans outside the narrow confines of the media aristocracy find the Stalinist show trial neither urgent nor important.
Read This Book to Counter the Lies of the “1619 Project”
“The State of Black America” offers a much needed corrective to the cynical (and false) thinking peddled by people like Nikole Hannah-Jones.
The J6 Inquisition Is an Obvious Soviet-Style Show Trial
Members conducting the show trial accused their opponents of conspiracy to topple the U.S. government, just as the Soviets accused Old Bolshevik leaders of plans to terminate Stalin. Never mind that American institutions held on Jan. 6, and the federal government came nowhere close to collapse when congressional proceedings were interrupted.
FDA Pushes to OK Novavax Covid Shot Despite Concerns
The FDA appears to have lost its high standard for drug safety and efficacy, and it is the American public who will suffer.
Depp Victory Deflates the Massive “Believe All Women” Industry
The guilty verdict in Depp v. Heard indicts the corrupt ‘Believe Her’ industry that created Amber Heard, the victim.
If Biden Cared About Gun Laws, Hunter Would Already Be in Jail
Biden is on a full-blown crusade to regulate or repeal the Second Amendment out of existence. While Democrats are often not honest about their intentions, this has always been their true agenda. Biden’s son, Hunter, who appeared to purchase a gun illegally in 2018, could be among those hardest hit.
How “Pride” Became an Angry, Vicious Movement
Long gone are the days of gay pride as a movement that claims it’s for inclusion, acceptance, and self-esteem. While the gay activist movement always fought for a hard shift from traditional, Christian values these days June 1 marks the start of a month of targeted campaigns to force submission to left-wing policies often far afield from even the radical goals of America’s first gay activists.
Emerson College Promotes Professor Who Urged Killing Whites
Emerson President William Gilligan recently nominated racially divisive professor Kim McLarin to be the college’s dean of graduate and professional studies…In a piece published a few weeks before her nomination, McLarin fantasized about massacring crowds of white people.
Churches That Bless Gay Marriage, Victimize Children
A church that pretends same-sex unions are equal to biblical marriage condemns children to a motherless or fatherless existence. These Christian leaders are trading the rights, longings, needs, and well-being of children for self-aggrandizement.
School Shootings Aren’t About Gun Laws, But the Collapse of the Family
Until we are willing to address the breakdown of family and community, nothing will change, the massacres will continue.
Dems Dismiss Shootings When They Can’t Blame a White Racist
For Democrats and the media, some violent episodes are more important than others and it all depends on which ones are more readily exploitable.
Sandy Hook Proved the Need to Enhance K-12 Security
Ten years ago, the deadly Connecticut massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School wherein a gunman killed 26 people, including 20 children, proved the need to secure U.S. K-12 institutions. Around noon on Tuesday, a similar tragedy was repeated after a decade of failing to protect American schools and deal with America’s mental health crisis…Congress armed Ukraine instead.
NYT’s Tom Friedman Went to Lunch with Biden and Came Away Full of Crap
Friedman’s ultimate takeaway: Biden has been exceptionally good at managing our march to the brink of World War III.
The Left Has Effectively Banned Christian Kids from Public Recreation
Forcing children to sleep and undress next to kids of the opposite sex effectively puts up a ‘Christian kids need not apply’ sign on public recreation activities.
Media Moves to Profit Off of Ridiculous Jan. 6 Commission
The New Yorker is teaming up with the House Select Committee on Jan. 6 with a new book out ahead of the fall midterms publishing the probe’s partisan report with activist commentary cloaked as “analysis” throughout its pages.