A second Trump term would be bad for the permanent bureaucracy (Democrats) but very good for American democracy.
Publication: The Federalist
Shania Twain Biopic Reminds Us That Feminism Can Actually Be Fun
The new Shania Twain biopic, “Not Just a Girl,” reminds us of what it means to be a feminist in the traditional sense. Twain’s take on “feminism” isn’t the aggressive, man-hating, rage-filled “gender identity” ideology of today. Her music and attitude are not about rejecting men, running them down, or trying to be a man herself…
Pro-Lifers Shouldn’t Despair Over Kansas Abortion Setback
A substantial body of academic research shows that campaign spending plays an outsized role in direct democracy campaigns. Since abortion is a multibillion-dollar industry subsidized with millions of state and federal taxpayer dollars, supporters of legal abortion can almost always outspend pro-lifers. Indeed, that was the case in this election.
Goodbye Joe Manchin. Your Senate Career Is Over
The West Virginia moderate declared his support for legislation that’s a slap in the face to his constituents who put him in office.
Dems Fixate on Gay Marriage While the Country Crumbles
Democrats are working overtime to codify gay marriage in federal law as a last-minute effort to shore up support for the 2022 midterms.
Is the J6 Committee Trying to Get Trump Re-Elected?
For half the country, trying to take down Trump for giving a speech over a mile away from the Capitol on Jan. 6 while hardly anybody has been held accountable for the atrocious Russia collusion hoax that nearly destroyed his presidency will be nothing less than total confirmation of a two-tiered and irreparably corrupt justice system and could permanently tear the nation in two.
Monkeypox Is the Left’s “Don’t Say Gay”
Monkeypox can transmit via body fluids, touching an infected person’s rash, “prolonged, face-to-face contact,” and other ways. That means about 100 percent of the country’s population should have the new gorilla AIDS by now. And yet there have only been, according to the CDC, a total of 3,500 confirmed cases.
Disband the FBI
They keep interfering in presidential elections. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s letter lays out a disturbing conspiracy inside the FBI to interfere in the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win.
Goldwater’s 1980 RNC Speech Resonates Amid Biden’s Failures
Forty-two years ago, Goldwater correctly diagnosed the problems afflicting America — many of them worse today than they were back then.
Wokeism Is Collapsing on Itself
Nary a day goes by on which a new Substack writer confesses some variation of, “I’m not a right-winger; I’m a proud progressive, but these new leftists are crazy, and I’m done with the Democrats.” They’ve reached a terminus in their minds where they can no longer bear the cognitive dissonance created by the suspension of reality. They’re done drinking the Kool-Aid.
Georgia DA’s Crusade Against Lindsey Graham Is Unconstitutional
The Fulton County district attorney is making the Jan. 6 show trial look like a paragon of propriety and due process.
Media Predictably Cover for Biden’s Saudi Foreign Policy Fiasco
Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia to secure more oil failed spectacularly, but all the corporate media can talk about is Biden’s fist bump.
We’re All Struggling Because of Biden, Not the Other Way Around
It’s apparently ‘anti-Biden’ to inquire whether he actually plans to do anything about our most urgent problems.
Sri Lanka Is First to Topple in Globalists’ Green Energy House of Cards
Riots, famines, societal collapse, and cultural invasion — the globalist agenda has created the perfect storm for national instability.
Uvalde Shows What Happens When Law Enforcement Cares More About Woke Politics Than Training
Police administrators who cower to the mob, hire the wrong people, and fail to train their officers are responsible for these deaths.
Sri Lanka Happens When Leaders Don’t Realize Green Policies Fail
With the president fleeing, prices tripling, and the country out of power, Sri Lanka is in crisis after it banned fertilizer.
Jan. 6 Committee Avoids Probing Security Failures in Hearing on Riot
Tuesday’s testimony raised more questions than answers and reinforced existing questions about the Capitol security failures under the leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who six times turned down requests for the deployment of the National Guard, according to former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund.
The Harassment of Brett Kavanaugh Is Just the Left’s New Normal
This is the joyless left. If you haven’t already, get used to it.
Executing Mass Killers Quickly Would Deter More Mass Shootings
If politicians are serious that they’re sick of ‘living with this carnage,’ the Highland Park shooter should be executed immediately.
Fulton County DA Tries to Criminalize Legal Challenges to Election Fraud
The investigation represents a political witch hunt seeking retribution against Trump and his lawyers for challenging Georgia’s election results.
Why the Racist Left Smears Clarence Thomas as an Angry Black Man
White leftists resort to racism the moment a black man breaks free from his intellectual shackles.
The J6 Show Trial Is Lying About Election “Fraud”
The January 6 show trial is partly about persecuting political opponents. But it’s also about covering up the truth of the 2020 election.
Dobbs Leaker Accomplished Nothing But Contempt for Democracy
The leaker, who was lauded by Democrats as ‘brave,’ turned out to be a contender for the most useless self-immolation in America.
J6 Claims About Trump and Secret Service Collapse Hours After Hearing
In her more than two-hours of uncorroborated commentary, just about all of which was based on hearsay, Cassidy Hutchinson depicted an image of an unhinged president who was not only complicit in his supporters ransacking the Capitol but was eager to attend the spectacle.