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Is the J6 Committee Trying to Get Trump Re-Elected?

The Federalist

For half the country, trying to take down Trump for giving a speech over a mile away from the Capitol on Jan. 6 while hardly anybody has been held accountable for the atrocious Russia collusion hoax that nearly destroyed his presidency will be nothing less than total confirmation of a two-tiered and irreparably corrupt justice system and could permanently tear the nation in two.

Monkeypox Is the Left’s “Don’t Say Gay”

The Federalist

Monkeypox can transmit via body fluids, touching an infected person’s rash, “prolonged, face-to-face contact,” and other ways. That means about 100 percent of the country’s population should have the new gorilla AIDS by now. And yet there have only been, according to the CDC, a total of 3,500 confirmed cases.

Wokeism Is Collapsing on Itself

The Federalist

Nary a day goes by on which a new Substack writer confesses some variation of, “I’m not a right-winger; I’m a proud progressive, but these new leftists are crazy, and I’m done with the Democrats.” They’ve reached a terminus in their minds where they can no longer bear the cognitive dissonance created by the suspension of reality. They’re done drinking the Kool-Aid.