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It’s Time to Make Art Great (and Beautiful) Again

The Federalist

NYC recently unveiled a grotesque statue of a horned, spaghetti-armed female figure atop one of its courthouses. The apparent effort to one-up Boston’s new “Embrace” sculpture — which purports to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. but resembles feces at best and a male appendage at worst — looks like what you might imagine if the Starbucks logo and Medusa had an unholy merger.

Our Classified System Is a Joke

The Federalist

Our partisan AG Merrick Garland probably wishes he had thought about the precedents he was setting when raiding an ex-president and potential presidential candidate’s house. Though, one certainty of the “Trump era” is that Democrats always overreach.

Big Win for Conservatives Friday Night

The Federalist

“It’s the most significant win for conservatives in a decade, possibly the biggest in a generation,” a senior congressional aide told The Federalist on Sunday. “The rules package, if adopted, will actually impact policy outcomes by forcing a transparent and open process.”