If one wants to know why so many millennials seem to struggle with hitting the essential milestones of adulthood, one should simply look at their Boomer parents who laid the groundwork for perpetual adolescence.
Publication: The Federalist
For Five Years, the Pulitzer Prizes Have Rewarded Misinformation
This many high-profile failures in such a short time underscores the rapid and catastrophic descent of American journalism into radical political activism and makes winning a Pulitzer look definitively like a mark of ignominy.
Indicting Trump Will Usher in America’s Banana Republic Stage
The move to indict a former president for the first time in our country’s history will make political prosecutions the new norm in America.
“I’m Breaking Up with Barnes & Noble”
Carrie Gress: The expanding occult and woke content wasn’t just in one section, but now seemed to be almost everywhere, oozing into nearly every department. With five kids in tow, I found myself herding them away from tables featuring LGBT books for children.
Video Games Are Getting Re-Scripted by Leftist Translators
The world of gaming is also facing this censorious tide, but with an added level of woke shenanigans. Since many popular video games come from foreign markets such as Japan or South Korea, social justice-minded translators are literally changing the scripts of international games to push their own propaganda.
Sorry, Media, the War in Ukraine Is Literally a “Territorial Dispute”
Ron DeSantis should say it one more time for the people in the back. The war is literally a dispute over territory.
Universities Need to Fire 99.9% of Their Faculties
University bureaucrats will continue to flex their power, stifle learning, undermine the qualities of professors, and shut down viewpoint diversity until faculty and students demand they be banished from campus.
The “Top Gun” Oscars Were Too Little, Too Late
At the end of the day, it’s always been true that whatever reactionary “vibe shift” sent the Brooklyn bloggers into a panic last year will be superficial at most. That’s not for lack of trying. There are people in Hollywood who want to stop making sequels and pandering to Oberlin grads.
The Woke Mob Ruined Bon Appetit Magazine
Grace Emily Stark: After dozens of issues of idly flipping through the “new Bon Appetit,” as they tried to rebrand what is now a woke rag, only ostensibly related to cooking, I couldn’t stomach giving money to a “cooking” magazine that is more devoted to promoting LGBT awareness than teaching readers about delicious food.
Media Keep Plugging Shoddy Dominion Defamation Lawsuit Even as Fox Host’s Texts Discredit It
The claim by Dominion, gleefully parroted by others in the media, is so far not borne out by the publicly available facts. That is to say, it’s a lie.
Capitol Police Gave Guided Tour to So-Called “QAnon Shaman”
New surveillance footage from the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, reveals law enforcement inside gave VIP treatment to Jacob Chansley, known as the “Q-Anon Shaman.” Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s team reviewed more than 40,000 hours of video and just aired never-before-seen footage of Chansley’s time in the Capitol.
7 Beloved Books Quietly Censored by History-Hating Publishers
Includes “Huckleberry Finn,” “Tarzan” and “Dr. Dolittle.”
Black History Month Is Lackluster Because Race Obsession Lasts All Year
No wonder the national celebration of Black History Month this year feels subdued. Cynicism tends to exhaust people.
Media’s Racialized Coverage of the Ohio Train Disaster Is Toxic
What makes the East Palestine example so interesting is that the media bemoan racialization while making everything about race.
Marvel Uses Theme of Revolution to Radicalize Viewers
Popular culture is an apparatus used by corporate studios to launder leftist beliefs into the mainstream; everything we consume is a psy-op.
How Hatred of Trump Birthed the Censorship-Industrial Complex
Unlike the military-industrial complex, the Censorship Complex affects all aspects of governance, controlling the information available to you on every topic.Unlike the military-industrial complex, the Censorship Complex affects all aspects of governance, controlling the information available to you on every topic.
When the Media Say Biden’s Winning, They Mean He’s Radicalizing America
The corporate media are touting Biden’s ‘winning streak.’ But their idea of winning is a president in thrall to his party’s left-wing base.
The “Get Trump” Jury Forewoman Confirms Suggested Charges Are Bunk
The grand jury’s conclusions flowed from what the DA presented to the Fulton County jurors — a case built on lies about a telephone call.
Roald Dahl Censorship Shows How Leftists Feel About Book Bans
The same people who say it’s OK to expose young children to sexually explicit material also think kids’ books need to be censored to stop calling people “fat”?
Why Is Pete Buttigieg Allowed to Keep Falling Upward?
Buttigieg’s failures suggest otherwise. His highlight reel at the Department of Transportation includes a supply-chain crisis punctuated with a personal leave, flight system disruptions that stranded millions of travelers and temporarily grounded all U.S. flights, rail strikes, and a series of horrific train derailments. On Main Street, people get fired for far less.
Disney Is Trying to Turn Your Kids into Little Racists
A recent production of Disney’s “The Proud Family” put forth yet another false narrative about our nation’s history — that only black slaves “built this nation” and that blacks today deserve reparations. To illustrate this last point, the cartoon showcases a picture of a young black man with his palms turned up and the words “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” written on them.
By Forcing Electric Vehicles, Leftists Ensure the Demise of Road Trips
An Axios article titled ‘Electric car road trips are perfectly doable — if you plan ahead’ is a prime example of leftists celebrating their own ignorance.
In Halftime Show, Pregnant Rihanna Proved Pro-Lifers Right
Even more unexpected than the announcement was the pro-life message that Rihanna’s performance reinforced. It is possible to have a successful career and have a baby, contrary to the popular narrative fueled by the abortion lobby that women cannot achieve full “success” and be mothers at the same time.
Don’t Fall for Biden’s Economic Fairy Tale
The president’s biggest whopper? “I’m a capitalist.”