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CNN Guest Refers to Black People as Slaves

The Daily Wire

Andrew Beveridge, Professor of Sociology at Queens College, appeared on CNN’s “Smerconish”  to discuss an upcoming decision from the DOJ about the implications of the department asking people whether they are citizens in the 2020 census. Answering a question about redistricting, Beveridge said, “Ever since the 14th amendment, all people in the United States have been counted, women, children, slave–ugh blacks, non-citizens, etc.”

Clinton Foundation Admits It Took $1 Million from Qatar and Forgot to Report It

The Daily Wire

Among the thousands of emails hacked from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman John Pedestal…one stated that officials from Qatar gave the Clinton Foundation $1 million to celebrate Bill Clinton’s 65 birthday, funds which the foundation did not report to the State Department. That would seemingly violate an ethics agreement Hillary signed when she became Secretary of State.