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Dems Hope That White Guilt Will Carry Them to Victory

By Matt Walsh: What’s missing in all of this manufactured enthusiasm for the VP is any explanation for why the party coalesced around Harris, or why she’s supposedly a better candidate now than she was four years ago. She hasn’t had a single clever moment, a great speech, or an innovative policy idea.

Major New Poll Has Great News for Trump

The Daily Wire

A new poll from The Economist and YouGov has some astonishing news for those who keep seeing President Trump losing in polls in head-to head competition with the leading Democratic Party presidential candidates Democrats: All three leading Democratic candidates — former Vice-President Joe Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) — have lower favorability ratings than President Trump.

Creator of “The Wire” Hopes Hurricane Dorian Destroys Mar-a-Lago to Demonstrate God’s Greatness

The Daily Wire

David Simon, creator of hit HBO shows “The Wire” and “The Deuce,” joined the chorus of leftists openly hoping that Hurricane Dorian destroys President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. In a tweet on Saturday, Simon went beyond just hoping that Mar-a-Lago be decimated by the hurricane, arguing that God’s “goodness” can only be demonstrated if He flattens Trump’s home.

Cuomo “Fredo” Story Reaches New Level of Absurd

The Daily Wire

Just a few months ago, Chris Cuomo declared that if you use the term “fake news,” it’s like the N-word for members of the media. Which makes perfect sense because members of the media have been ganged up on, lynched and hanged for centuries in America. They have been enslaved, treated like second-class citizens, subjected to Jim Crow — oh wait, none of that has happened to journalists. 

Elizabeth Warren’s Insufferable Shrillness

The Daily Wire

After her husband had finished putting her through college and law school, she left him for a professor. Politicians cheat. But voters may not so easily forgive Warren’s worst quality: her shrillness. Every word she whines sounds like a desperate lament; each insufferable sentence another plaintive cry, invariably urgent and demanding. 

Orlando Sentinel Rebukes Trump and Everyone Thinks It’s a Big Deal. It’s Not

The Daily Wire

Nowhere in the piece does the newspaper state how the increasingly radical-left Democrats make the country better than does Trump. Instead, the article just regurgitates anti-Trump talking points that anyone can get on a regular diet of Stephen Colbert. Oddly, the Orlando Sentinel then claims that it is being impartial, as if people might forget the paper endorsed Hillary in 2016.