Michelle Malkin: We no longer live in a constitutional republic. We live in an idiocracy. Only in modern-day America, under the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, is the basic proposition that federally subsidized public housing should benefit American citizens and legal residents slammed as “despicable” and “damaging.”
Publication: The Daily Signal
This Woman Had 3 Abortions But Is Now Fully Behind Alabama’s Pro-Life Law
Jessica Francavilla: As a woman who has experienced abortion, I’d like to share some insights about the impact that “choice” has had on me and millions of other women. Abortion hurt me, and I am not alone.
“Unplanned” Is Driving Abortion Workers Out of the Industry
The pro-life movie “Unplanned” surpassed all expectations in theaters, and is now leading abortion workers to leave the industry.
The Media Won’t Say It, But Christians Are the No. 1 Persecuted Group Worldwide
International leaders have studiously avoided calling this what it is: anti-Christian persecution.
A Sign of Hope from Hollywood
In the movie “The Long Shot,” Hollywood allows a fun, endearing African-American character … to come out as a Republican.
The Injustice of the Left’s Fury Against Barr
Democrats are calling for Barr to resign or be impeached for not regurgitating the unproven allegations against Trump. In other words, Barr acted too much like a federal prosecutor, rather than a tabloid reporter trafficking in allegations that did not amount to criminal conduct.
This Mom Is Fighting Her Kids’ School District’s LGBT Indoctrination
Maria Keffler is a former teacher herself. But when she recently found out, by accident, about new LGBT policies her children’s school district was considering instituting, Keffler was shocked. Now she’s speaking out—and urging other parents to do the same.
Mueller Report Clears Trump, Condemns Media
The Mueller report was finally released this week and it’s good news for President Donald Trump and all Americans who believe in the sanctity of our elections. But it’s bad news for those, some in the media, who want to believe the president is a treasonous crook.
Mob’s Push to Oust Heritage President from Google Council Part of Larger Agenda
The left must control the narrative. It will be nasty about making sure it does and won’t care for niceties. It is part of “the will to power” that propelled Lenin and Mussolini to rule. Only this time a gaggle of coddled, probably mostly white, liberals at Google and academia have taken on more than they can handle.
How the Left Keeps Me Religious
Dennis Prager: The left and the universities teach gullible young students lies, immoral ideas, and foolish doctrines. At almost any university in the English-speaking world, the United States—arguably the most decent large society in history—is depicted as a vile society, founded by bigots who engaged in genocidal evil, sustained by racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and greed.
The Media Have Done Tremendous Damage to the Country and Themselves
It’s undeniable, though, that the media have done more damage to trust in American institutions, including their own, than the Russians could ever have hoped with their Twitter trolls and Facebook ads.
Why Democrats Fear the Electoral College
Democrats prefer a system in which politicians who promise the most free stuff to the largest number of people win. Because they can’t admit it, we have to wrestle with preposterous arguments in favor of overturning the Electoral College.
Hit the Pause Button on College Admission Outrage
The fact is the whole college admissions system is rigged in one way or another to give unfair advantages. It is rigged to give preference to black students, even if their parents are wealthy, their schools are comfortable, and their lives are privileged…It is rigged to give preference to Hispanic students who write admissions essays (read by liberal college admissions officers) arguing that their family has been oppressed.
Leftism Eradicates Character
Every year, many thousands of American parents find that the child they sent to college has been transformed into a leftist. For parents who are not leftist—not to mention conservative—it is often painfully jolting because their beloved child now holds America in contempt; prefers socialism to capitalism; regards all white people and police as racist; believes the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism are dangerous nonsense.
Climate Skeptic Accuses Apple of Political Bias in Removing App Countering Climate Alarmism
Gregory Wrightstone wrote the book “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know,” which served as the basis for the information available from the app. He notes that former Vice President Al Gore, a leading proponent of the view that mankind’s activities propel dangerous climate change, is a board memberof Apple.
Young Adults Explain Why They’re Conservative
At the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, young Americans from across the country made a strong showing. The Daily Signal spoke with nine young adults to get their take on conservatism and why they identify as conservatives.
How Covington’s Nick Sandmann Could Win His Defamation Claim Against Washington Post
Does Sandmann have any chance of winning? The short answer is “yes.” But it’s not a sure thing. He’s taking on a defendant with very deep pockets and absolutely no incentive to settle.
Meet the Man Who’s Calling Out AOC with Times Square Billboard
He’s Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, an advocacy group for small businesses. Ortiz and his organization played a critical role in passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017. Now he’s working to defend tax reform and fight proposals such as the Green New Deal. (podcast)
Smollett Case Highlights Reasons for Skepticism About Hate Crime Statistics
This whole episode seems to be an extension of the identity politics culture we’ve seen on college campuses, which promotes victimhood as the main social currency over things like achievement and merit. Being a victim is more valuable than money or accomplishments, which Smollett seems to already have in spades.
Lessons from the Smollett Hoax
Ben Shapiro: Smollett had an incentive to lie: unending media attention, fawning sycophancy from politicians, and the potential for even greater Hollywood stardom. If Smollett had gotten away with his hoax, he’d be the face of gay, black suffering in the United States.
Obama’s Border Patrol Chief Explains Why Walls Work
Mark Morgan, who was chief of the U.S. Border Patrol under President Barack Obama, is speaking out in favor of President Donald Trump’s border wall. (Podcast)
A Year After Parkland School Killings, Gun Foes Still Misdiagnosing Problem
They claim that the real problem is the prevalence of firearms and demand that law-abiding Americans be subjected to increasingly drastic measures to combat this alleged epidemic.
Trump’s Agenda Is a Winning Formula for Black America
The effect of the left’s agenda on our black communities has been devastating. Single-parent homes and out-of-wedlock births have tripled since the 1960s. What kind of future can we expect for our black children when they so often come from low-income single-parent households?…Capitalism is the bedrock of our future.
Why Liberals Can’t Talk Honestly About Abortion
Democrats will protect American children from the evils of trans fats and gay conversion therapy, but not from doctors who will kill them through negligent homicide in the first few hours of their lives.