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How the Left Keeps Me Religious

The Daily Signal

Dennis Prager: The left and the universities teach gullible young students lies, immoral ideas, and foolish doctrines. At almost any university in the English-speaking world, the United States—arguably the most decent large society in history—is depicted as a vile society, founded by bigots who engaged in genocidal evil, sustained by racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and greed.

Hit the Pause Button on College Admission Outrage

The Daily Signal

The fact is the whole college admissions system is rigged in one way or another to give unfair advantages.  It is rigged to give preference to black students, even if their parents are wealthy, their schools are comfortable, and their lives are privileged…It is rigged to give preference to Hispanic students who write admissions essays (read by liberal college admissions officers) arguing that their family has been oppressed.

Leftism Eradicates Character

The Daily Signal

Every year, many thousands of American parents find that the child they sent to college has been transformed into a leftist. For parents who are not leftist—not to mention conservative—it is often painfully jolting because their beloved child now holds America in contempt; prefers socialism to capitalism; regards all white people and police as racist; believes the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism are dangerous nonsense.

Climate Skeptic Accuses Apple of Political Bias in Removing App Countering Climate Alarmism

The Daily Signal

Gregory Wrightstone wrote the book “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know,” which served as the basis for the information available from the app. He notes that former Vice President Al Gore, a leading proponent of the view that mankind’s activities propel dangerous climate change, is a board memberof Apple. 

Lessons from the Smollett Hoax

The Daily Signal

Ben Shapiro: Smollett had an incentive to lie: unending media attention, fawning sycophancy from politicians, and the potential for even greater Hollywood stardom. If Smollett had gotten away with his hoax, he’d be the face of gay, black suffering in the United States.