One year ago, the media did the left’s dirty work in dragging Brett Kavanaugh’s reputation through the mud. Now, they’re back at it again.
Publication: The Daily Signal
When Government Runs Health Care…
Less than five million people live in Ireland—yet 564,829 of them are waiting to see a specialist and 68,807 patients are waiting to have surgery. There are over 329 million people in the U.S.. How would we fare under government-run health care?
How the Left Is Grabbing Power in America
Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R.-Utah, who served on and chaired the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and is now a Fox News contributor, made the case that the left is using a variety of underhanded strategies to fundamentally change American elections and tilt them in their favor. Chaffetz lays out his argument in a new book, “Power Grab: The Liberal Scheme to Undermine Trump, the GOP, and Our Republic.”
Meet the 17-Year-Old Conservative Activist Described as the “Left’s Youngest Nightmare”
CJ Pearson says he has been conservative since second grade. Now a senior in high school, Pearson has gained national attention for his conservative activism.
It’s Lights Out for Obama-Era Bulb Ban That Curbs Consumer Choice
The Energy Department’s decision to withdraw energy-efficiency standards for candle-shaped, globe-shaped, three-way and reflector lightbulbs is a victory for consumer choice. Whether it’s buying a lightbulb or a new car, families have different preferences and needs. They consider the various trade-offs in products and face different budget constraints.
Crimes by Illegal Immigrants Widespread Across US
Noncitizens constitute only about 7% of the U.S. population. Yet the latest data from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that noncitizens accounted for nearly two-thirds (64%) of all federal arrests in 2018. Just two decades earlier, only 37% of all federal arrests were noncitizens.
There’s a Lot of Misinformation Being Spread About the Fires in the Amazon
Much of what has been depicted as a crisis has been exaggerated or dramatized or just flat out wrong.
More Proof That Voter Fraud Is Real and Bipartisan
Heritage Foundation experts have long pointed out that voter fraud is not particular to one party. At its core, people cheat in elections to further their preferred causes or to advance their own careers, and there’s nothing inherently conservative or liberal about the desire to win…Nevertheless, whenever a right-leaning vote fraudster is identified, liberal activists and politicians relish needling conservatives over the alleged hypocrisy.
They’ve Lost Their Minds in San Francisco
The latest, but surely not the last demonstration of insanity, is San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors’ adoption of new “person first” language guidelines meant to “change the public’s perception of criminals.” The words “convicted felon,” “offender,” “convict,” “addict,” and “juvenile delinquent” are now out. These individuals will henceforth be referred to as a “justice-involved person.” Someone previously called a “criminal” will now be referred to as “a returning resident,” or “a formerly incarcerated person.”
Higher Ed Is Dominated by the Left. Here’s Where Conservative Students Should Turn for Help
It is no secret that college campuses have become a bastion for progressive thought and activism. With so many universities striving to push their left-wing agenda on young people, the work of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute is more important than ever.
Democrat Governor Excludes Conservative News Service from Media List
At a time when the Trump White House’s every dealing with the press appears to be scrutinized, Democrat Governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers’ attempts to exclude a conservative-leaning news organization, even as he continues to welcome left-leaning media outlets, garner little attention. Brett Healy, president of MacIver Institute, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview that it appears Evers targeted MacIver News Service from the beginning of his administration in January.
The New York Times Is Trying to Rewrite History to Fit Its Biases
“The goal of the 1619 Project,” says a statement from the newspaper, “is to reframe American history.” More like rewrite it. This is the stuff of totalitarian regimes where the media serve as a propaganda organ for the state, in this case the surging left wing of the Democratic Party.
Why Blacks Should Ignore the Liberal Agenda
Intellectuals and political hustlers who blame the plight of so many blacks on poverty, racial discrimination, and the “legacy of slavery” are complicit in the socioeconomic and moral decay. Black people must ignore the liberal agenda that suggests that we must await government money before measures can be taken to improve the tragic living conditions in so many of our urban communities.
The Left’s Attacks on the Electoral College Are All About Political Power
It seems that there isn’t a prominent progressive left in America who hasn’t come out in favor of abolishing the Electoral College.
Socialism 101: Myths and Realities
Young people across America are increasingly embracing socialism. A cloud of misinformation has led many Americans to think socialism is something it is not—a good system of government.
Linking Netflix’s Historic Dip in Subscribers to Company’s Denouncement of Georgia’s Pro-Life Bill
Pro-life activist Lila Rose, president and founder of the nonprofit Live Action, tweeted, “When Georgia passed the Heartbeat bill, Netflix threatened to stop doing business in the pro-life state. Thousands of pro-life customers expressed their outrage.”
The High Cost of “Free” College Tuition
While proponents call these proposals “investments in our future,” the reality is they would be a suffocating financial burden on every taxpayer, but especially on middle- and lower-income citizens. There’s an inherent unfairness to forcing many working-class Americans who couldn’t afford to go to college themselves to pay off the loans of those who could.
“The Green Movement Is Red” and Other Takeaways from Recent Socialism Conference
Major takeaways from the conference held in Chicago over the July 4 weekend include: gender and identity politics are ascendant, open borders is becoming a litmus test, and “clickbait” Communism is being used to propagandize young Americans.
“Amazon Just Banned My Dad’s Therapy Books” (Caving to LGBT Activists)
Joseph Nicolosi Jr.: On Amazon, you can buy almost any book written throughout human history—from the Bible to Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” or even a book glorifying pedophilia. As of last week, however, you cannot get any of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Sr.’s books about leaving homosexuality—because Amazon just banned them all.
“I’m Black and I Think the US Flag Stands for Freedom, Not Racism”
Star Parker: America has a painful history on race. But America is comprised of many individual Americans, and in a free country, everyone cannot be painted with the same brush.
Companies Backing Abortion Should Be Careful What They Wish For
Where is the business sense in rallying to support abortion when many Americans object to it?
A Hub of Political Correctness Gets Hit with Big Judgment
In what is hard to characterize as anything other than poetic justice, Oberlin College has been hit by with a multimillion-dollar judgment for libel and intentional infliction of emotional distress against a local bakery which led to a boycott of the bakery over false charges of racism. What began as a simple shoplifting incident took on a life of its own because of the bakery’s proximity to one of the country’s preeminent institutions of political correctness.
A Guide to Colleges Committed to Ideological Diversity
If you want to send your youngster to colleges that are seriously committed to civil and diverse debate, pick up a copy of the June 2019 edition of Reason magazine for some guidance. Professors Debra Mashek and Jonathan Haidt authored “10 Colleges Where You Won’t Have to Walk on Eggshells.” Includes :Purdue and Kenyon.
Why a Former CEO Says Capitalism, Not Socialism, Encourages Morality
Andy Puzder grew up in a blue-collar home. He went on to be the CEO of a major fast-food company and he credits capitalism for helping him improve his lot in life. Now he wants young Americans to understand that socialism isn’t just ineffective, but is morally inferior to capitalism.