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U. of Florida Orders Stop to “Gator Bait” Cheer Despite Noting No Evidence of Racism

The College Fix

As “wokeness” sweeps America’s universities in the current Black Lives Matter atmosphere, questionable statements and maneuvers by campus officials were bound to happen. The University of Florida is the latest example where its president has ordered cessation of a popular cheer because it might be perceived as racist. Or it might not be racist at all. Or something.

Syracuse University Forces Non-Tenured Faculty to Take Diversity Training to Appease Activists

The College Fix

Syracuse University administrators have steadily given in to student activist demands after months of protests sparked by possible hoax incidents involving racial graffiti and a “white supremacist manifesto.” The most recent cave-in will hit part of the campus population with the least power: non-tenured faculty. And do-nothing grad students were also assured they won’t lose their jobs.