As “wokeness” sweeps America’s universities in the current Black Lives Matter atmosphere, questionable statements and maneuvers by campus officials were bound to happen. The University of Florida is the latest example where its president has ordered cessation of a popular cheer because it might be perceived as racist. Or it might not be racist at all. Or something.
Publication: The College Fix
If Colleges Owe Student Refunds, It’s Not Because of the Pandemic
As students learn online from home, for the first time many parents will see what their children are really learning…To be fair, the standard science, arithmetic and writing classes are still offered…But mixed in with those courses, at every turn, is a suffocating blend of identity politics and left-leaning pedagogy.
Some Liberty University Students Back on Campus Praise Decision to Reopen
In interviews with The College Fix,, several students back on campus said the picture painted by the mainstream media that the university is open for business as usual is largely fake news…What’s more, they said, health and safety guidelines about social distancing and other protective measures are being fully enforced…They also said they feel safe.
Syracuse University Protestors Promise Escalation if Officials Don’t Acknowledge White Supremacy
The latest sticking point is an acknowledgment that numerous campus “hate” incidents are indicative of “institutional white supremacy” at Syracuse. Following a “tense” back and forth, protesters warned of “escalated action” if they do not get the acknowledgment.
Syracuse University Forces Non-Tenured Faculty to Take Diversity Training to Appease Activists
Syracuse University administrators have steadily given in to student activist demands after months of protests sparked by possible hoax incidents involving racial graffiti and a “white supremacist manifesto.” The most recent cave-in will hit part of the campus population with the least power: non-tenured faculty. And do-nothing grad students were also assured they won’t lose their jobs.
Harvard and Yale Under Federal Investigation for Seeking Funding from Oppressive Governments
If rich universities are going to seek foreign funding from America’s enemies or unsavory allies, the least they could do is lower tuition for students with that money.
Dartmouth Lets Green New Deal Activist Crash Classes to Campaign
Dartmouth College has allowed a paid left-wing activist to proselytize in classrooms for months in spite of the fact that she’s violating its anti-solicitation policies, according to a campus publication. “Katie” makes stump speeches for the New Hampshire Youth Movement, affiliated with the Sunrise Movement, and asks for students’ contact information.
Controversy Erupts as White Students Win MLK Day Essay Contest at U. of Montana
The University of Montana thought it had a good idea a couple of weeks ago: It established a writing contest for the annual Martin Luther King Day holiday. It turns out there was a problem: All of the entrants were white. Which means all the selected winners were white.
Syracuse LGBT Studies Director Wants to Make Program a Major
A quarter of a million dollars to get a degree that would qualify you to work at Starbucks, wrote one reader.
Ivy League Privilege: Harvard Climate Change Protestors Get Records Expunged for Shutting Down Football Game
Going to an Ivy League school is great. Not only are you practically guaranteed a lucrative job and enriching professional networks after graduation, but you’re above the law even while still enrolled. In other words, arrest records are for the lowly, not the elites.
Oregon State U. to Put Feminine Hygiene Products in Restrooms Regardless of Gender
Associated Students of Oregon State University Queer Affairs Coordinator Julian Chu said the decision was based on “fulfill[ing] the needs of people that have a menstruation without discriminating by gender and those who cannot afford personal hygiene products.”
Meet the Two Venezuelan Exiles Warning College Students Against Socialism
When Jorge Galicia and Andrés Guilarte tell college students socialism is no utopia, they speak from experience…They are currently visiting college campuses nationwide warning young people against socialism, and told The College Fix in a joint telephone interview on Wednesday their message could not be coming at a more critical time.