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Evict White Frat Boys and Give Their Houses to “Historically Marginalized Groups”

The College Fix

Student leaders at Washington University in St. Louis want school officials to evict the “disproportionately wealthy and white” men in campus fraternities and give their buildings to “historically marginalized” groups. Writing in Student Life, Student Union President Ranen Miao whines that while campus fraternities have a total of nine houses on campus, while underrepresented organizations have but three.

Bates College Eyes Revamping Math Courses to Focus on “Colonialism and Privilege”

The College Fix

A working group of professors and students at Bates College has recommended the school require all majors to offer two courses on “race, colonialism, white supremacy, power, and privilege.”…For instance, the group suggests courses like Calculus could “situate race, white supremacy, colonialism, power, and privilege centrally and attend to them throughout the course.”

Left-Leaning Media Ignore High-Profile Resignation of Prof Who Called Out Illiberalism in Higher Ed

The College Fix

Left-leaning media outlets have all but ignored the high-profile resignation of Portland State University Professor Peter Boghossian, who called out his institution as a “Social Justice factory” in a widely read resignation letter…No left-leaning mainstream media outlets requested an appearance from Boghossian, his assistant told The College Fix.

Duke and UNC Accused of Racism for Tweeting About School History

The College Fix

Both Duke University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill recently apologized for separate tweets after some accused the accounts of promoting racism. Duke University’s social media team wanted to take advantage of a Twitter trend commonly referred to as “how it started/how it’s going” where users post photos that depict weight loss, stages in their relationship or other success stories. 

Conservative Writer Claims Syracuse University Won’t Punish Students Threatening Her

The College Fix

Syracuse University is jeopardizing the safety of conservative students in order to avoid upsetting the woke crowd, according to a student who was fired by the student newspaper for rejecting the theory of “institutional racism.” Adrianna San Marco says the administration has ignored her plea to respond to physical threats made against her, by identifiable Syracuse students and alumni.

Syracuse University Promises to Punish Students for Witnessing “Acts of Hate”

The College Fix

Knowledge – even accidental – is now grounds for punishment at Syracuse University, at least in some situations. An email from Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Keith Alford says the student code of conduct has been revised “to make clear when bystanders and accomplices can be held accountable” for “acts of hate” and “bias-motivated incidents…”