Jonathan Last: I’m sad to say that the great Howard Schultz independent bid is at an end. Yesterday Schultz announced that he was taking the summer off from politics. I know what you’re thinking: How will we ever get along without his voice at this vital moment in American history?
Publication: The Bulwark
It’s Time for Trump to Resign
No government can function effectively when there is a crisis of trust in the presidency.
A Nation Turns Its Lonely Eyes to….Pence?
The only thing standing between Trump and November 2020 is the ambition of his vice president.
Southern Border in Crisis as Migrant Apprehension Grows
Every indication is that the situation is going to get worse. We could be about to experience a migrant surge worthy of Angela Merkel at her most openhanded, even though, in immigration terms, Viktor Orban — the Hungarian prime minister who favors tough border enforcement — is president.
Right-Wing Radio Host Promotes Kamala-Smollett Conspiracy Theory
Kevin McCullough, a daily hour-long talk radio host for Salem media’s AM 970 in New York recently promoted a conspiracy theory about Kamala Harris being Jussie Smollett’s aunt on Twitter, only to delete it hours later.
Tomi Lahren Is Trump’s Rightful Heir
Just because she’s the poor man’s Ann Coulter, don’t sleep on Tomi. She could be destined to inherit Trump’s movement.
What’s Worse Than Fake News?
The other day all the major new outlets were covering a story about Elizabeth Warren saying on the campaign trail in Iowa that Donald Trump “might not even be a free person” but rather in jail at the time of the 2020 Presidential election. Call this phenomenon the “hypothetical news” and it’s… insidious because it masquerades as real news.
5 Reasons Why the New Green Deal Is Worse Than You Thought
Reason #3: AOC’s Green New Deal wants to reduce carbon emissions while phasing out the largest source of non-carbon energy we currently have—nuclear power. The level of whimsy here is matched only by the aspects of the plan that add universal healthcare, a job guarantee, and ending racism as essential parts of its environmentalist vision.
Seb Gorka Is a National Treasure
At some point in the medium-future, Donald Trump will be gone, the executive branch will return to something resembling normalcy, and people like Seb Gorka won’t be allowed within sniffing distance of political power. So we ought to appreciate him while we have him.
Why 2 Journalists Quit RedState
Kimberly Ross and Andrea Ruth: We learned personally that writers who dare to examine President Trump or the MAGA mentality are purposely suppressed in private or even publicly criticized.
Can the New Tabloid Media Ever Be Redeemed?
No evidence, a transparently false narrative—it’s not the National Enquirer; it’s the past week in journalism.
Kamala Harris’s Logo Is a Disaster
She has rolled out her campaign with a dumpster-fire logo. Seriously: It might be the worst political graphic design job in a generation.
2020 Republican Primary Power Rankings
If 2020 obeys the normal rules of political physics, President Trump will face a primary challenger. They include: Mitt Romney, Jim Mattis and John Kasich.