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Did Trump Really Threaten Biden?

The Bulwark

The more pragmatic question around the Biden video isn’t whether Trump’s action constituted a crime, but whether the Biden administration has the appetite to do anything about it. We all know the answer to that one. Trump is a master bully. He always gets away with it. He will this time, too.

Why Not Pence?

The Bulwark

Pence is a former governor and VP. He is a solid conservative, beloved by the Christian Right, anti-woke before it was super-cool,and and a hyper-loyal defender of the entire Trump agenda. In some ways, he is also an American hero. So, from the GOP’s point of view, what’s not to like? But he refused to aid and abet the coup. And in the modern GOP that remains the one irredeemable sin.

An Ode to Joe Manchin

The Bulwark

If Manchin hadn’t been elected, then there would be 49 Democratic senators and the party would be getting nothing. Zilch. NADA. But because of Manchin, here’s what in the infrastructure bill: Billions for trains and public transit. Replacing every lead pipe in the country. $47 billion for climate change mitigation. Electric vehicle charging stations.

The Fall of Corey Lewandowski

The Bulwark

Many of you are waking up to the news that Trump’s SuperPac has discovered that it is shocked, shocked to discover that Trump’s uber-lackey Corey Lewandowski sexually harasses women, which, as we know, is absolutely unacceptable and intolerable behavior for anyone other than the Pussy Grabber-in-Chief himself.

A Total and Unmitigated Disaster

The Bulwark

Bill Kristol: Serious people in government and outside government also have an obligation to begin thinking about how to mitigate the horrors that will take place within Afghanistan, and also to mitigate the damage not just to American foreign policy but to the cause of all who defend or seek freedom anywhere in the world.

Break Up Amazon

The Bulwark

Richard North Patterson: Lockdown is its friend: Amazon is widely perceived as our national supply chain, and many people, stuck at home for weeks, understandably feel grateful to the company for its deliveries of vital supplies. In reality, though, the pandemic is intensifying Amazon’s stranglehold on American life.

Covid-19 Is This Generation’s Vietnam

The Bulwark

In 1968, nearly 17,000 Americans perished in the war. It is not a coincidence that the height of the death toll in Vietnam marked the beginning of the political and social revolution that changed the face of America for a generation. A pandemic is not a war. But there are parallels between what happened in Vietnam and America’s experience of the coronavirus.

Trump Could Still Win

The Bulwark

Bill Kristol:  The rally ’round the flag effect has a potency that shouldn’t be underrated. In a crisis, Americans have a pronounced tendency to rally to the incumbent president. This often happens even if the crisis is partly the president’s fault or he hasn’t handled it particularly well.

Trump’s Most Misleading and False Statements About Coronavirus

The Bulwark

As the White House and the country grapple with what’s to come, it is important to cut through the MAGA-bullshit with a full accounting of just how unconscionably reckless Trump has been for the past seven weeks as the crisis of his presidency comes to a head. Here is a list of the most egregious false or misleading statements from the president and his top advisers about the coronavirus…

Is Bloomberg Ready for His Close-Up?

The Bulwark

His apologies for stop-and-frisk have been accepted by some, but not others. While we can perhaps discount the parsing of his words by the apology police, there is no escaping that these apologies came too late, conveniently corresponding in time to the announcement of his candidacy.

This Is How Trump Would Destroy Bernie

The Bulwark

Mainstream Democrats find his supporters fanatical and intolerant of difference, a wrecking crew in waiting. They fear his penchant for ideological litmus tests which are demonstrably unpopular. They cringe at his embrace of left-wing authoritarians in Latin America. They worry that the GOP would bury him in a tsunami of sludge—some of it exaggerated, some not.

Does This Impeachment Trial Matter?

The Bulwark

As a news story, the Trump impeachment trial doesn’t have much . . . news to it. The ending is all but certain. And most of what will happen between now and the verdict will be speech-making about evidence, law, and procedures—terrain already very familiar to anyone who has been paying attention over the last several months.