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There’s Left Baggage Galore at the Anti-Trump Hotel

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr: the world’s first “anti-Trump hotel” will be opening in Washington next spring.  No flush toilets at the Moonbat Arms — composting is so much more sustainable for the planet, don’t you know. And, per Sheryl Crow’s instructions, only one sheet of toilet paper per guest per night. Need anything? Call the concierge — he’s standing by in case you’d like to report a hate crime.

Donald Trump Hate Is a Cult

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr:  Since Nov. 8, 2016, these smug, sanctimonious know-it-alls — Hillary, Madonna, Harvey Weinstein et al. — have been so utterly over the top in their behavior that they’ve almost become a cult, maybe even a religion.  The Church of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Making the Case for Jeff Sessions

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr: Last night in Youngstown, Trump was bragging about the plummeting numbers of illegal immigrants invading the country since Jan. 20.  But, you know, does he ever consider that maybe Jeff Sessions has had something to do with this great success in beginning to put an end to the illegals’ crime wave?

Fake News — This Is CNN

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr: Take the most recent retracted Russian collusion story, shot down by a Russkie outlet called Sputnik News. (You can’t make this stuff up, unless of course you’re CNN.) They fired the three pipe artists who concocted it — one source, three “reporters.”