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The Boston Globe’s Phony Sanctimony

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr: Think back on all the journalistic grifters whose bylines and totally made-up crap have disgraced the dismal pages of the Boston Globe — Mike Barnicle, Kevin Cullen, Patricia Smith and Jayson Blair, among others. But even those recidivist frauds must be shaking their pampered, protected-class heads over this latest embarrassment to befall the failing broadsheet — a column by a “journalist from Massachusetts” named Luke O’Neil.

Smirking Media Bias Against GOP Couldn’t Be Clearer

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr: When a Democrat solon finds a way to stop some GOP initiative, it’s because the brilliant parliamentarian (Nancy Pelosi?) has come up with a master stroke. But when a Republican, say Mitch McConnell, does exactly the same thing, he is invariably called an obstructionist, relying on “arcane” tricks to produce “gridlock” and overturn centuries of “Congressional tradition.”

Chicago Cops Pros at Spotting Smollett Fake News

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr: It was an amazing performance by the Chicago police superintendent, Eddie Johnson, especially when you compare him to the G-men grandees who are ubiquitous in the alt-left media — Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Peter Strzok, etc. I mean, this guy is a real cop — unlike any of the above. And he behaves like an adult, not some dithering teenage girl.

AOC Ain’t A-OK

The Boston Herald

What would Dr. John Silber make of BU alumna Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? The longtime president of Boston University would not be impressed, I dare say, with the semiliterate millennial and BU grad who has gone in months from sticky-fingered Manhattan bartender to the intellectual prophet of the Democratic Party.

Time to Get Tough on Deportations

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr: What’s the end game for all the pampered, trust-funded judges who are refusing to deport or lock up even the most bloodthirsty illegal immigrants, sometimes allegedly even helping them escape from courthouses in order to continue their crime waves against American citizens?

Never Trumpers Are at It Again

The Boston Herald

Howie Carr: Basically the midterms are over. Which means, it’s time for the Never Trumpers to come out from under their rocks and start trying to foment another intra-party uprising against a president who is more popular with his base than, well, just about any earlier president of either party ever.