Contra Bernie Sanders, the two ideas cannot co-exist and never will.
Publication: The American Conservative
Mayor Pete’s Sanctimonious Chest-Thumping
If he wants to trash Trump for skipping Vietnam, then maybe his own war record should be opened to scrutiny…Buttigieg did all of six months in 2014 as a reservist deep inside Bagram Airfield, mostly as a personal driver for his boss, locked and loaded inside a Toyota Land Cruiser. It is unlikely he ever ate a cold meal in Afghanistan.
How Hollywood Is Ruining Sex
Bring back the code: At least it led to smart sensuality, not the cheap, depressing pornography we see today.
Joe Biden, Warmonger
The alleged moderate is nothing of the sort. Few candidates have been on the wrong side of history more often.
Op-Ed-O-Matic: Write Doomsday Screeds Like the Pros
With all the talk of how many jobs have been created during the Trump administration, little attention is paid to one vibrant industry his time in the White House has spawned: writing apocalyptic op-eds.
The Left Needs to Stop Crushing on the Generals
Just because liberals don’t like Trump doesn’t mean the brass are their saviors—or even good strategists.
Uncle Joe Plays the Race Card
Pat Buchanan: Biden had to distinguish himself, so he charged President Trump with giving aid and comfort to white racists.
Will Trump’s Immigration Choice Be Jared or Coulter?
The outspoken commentator has actually done far more to hold the president accountable than most. But will family win out?
Michael Cohen’s Flip Was a Flop
He said what he thought we wanted to hear–that Trump’s a liar and a cheat. But what about collusion?
In Defense of Government Shutdowns
They keep the choir of our democracy from descending into bedlam.
Ralph Northam and Democrats’ Dishonest Whataboutism
Progressives are pathetically trying to spin their embarrassment and surprise, turn it around on Republicans.
Classic Studies: No Country for White Men
A celebrated Princeton scholar says white men should not be allowed to publish in academic journals.
Trump’s Opportunity — or Peril — in Venezuela
For the first time, he’s setting a bold, well-coordinated foreign policy course. He just can’t let the neocons take the wheel.
NATO Is a Danger, Not a Guarantor of Peace
Status quo supporters like the New York Times poke fun at Trump for even questioning the alliance. But who’s the fool?
It’s Time for a Conservative Anti-Monopoly Movement
Are Amazon, Facebook and Google the new robber barons?