The editing of Roald Dahl shows us what comes after civilization.
Publication: The American Conservative
Jan. 6 Was Not a Coup
To stage a coup, you need tanks on the White House lawn. Instead, America transitioned peacefully from one administration to another. That hard reality is wholly missing from the Democrats’ January 6 committee hearings and all the frou-frou that accompanies them.
Anti-Mandate Rally Set for D.C. Jan. 23
It’s about time the capitol city of a republican nation did something about the mandates, but is it too late?
A Century of Big Government
The Biden agenda both imitates and fails to learn the lessons of past ambitious presidencies.
Time for Some Pandemic Patriotism
On June 6, we will celebrate the 77th anniversary of the landing at Normandy; maybe a gift of an American-made vaccine from the American people to Europeans would be appropriate. As before, we would ask nothing in return. Bold and generous action would once again serve to remind ourselves and others who we are as a nation and a patriotic people.
Biden’s Afghanistan Exit Is a Win for Conservatives
Biden looks poised to finish what Trump started.
The NFL and Bumper Sticker Totalitarianism
The woke are everywhere, on T-shirts, window signs, commercials, school board meetings, supposedly neutral news coverage, literature, art. Now they’re out there scrimmaging on the gridiron.
Why Trump Has Been Good for Europe
As Erdogan’s latest threats show, the EU needs to learn to stand on its own, without constant leaning on America.
So It Turns Out You’re a Racist
Left-wing wokeness has become the totalitarianism it purports to hate, where you’re guilty unless you can ‘prove’ otherwise.
The Left Fears Law-Abiding Gun Owners More Than Rioters
Leftists fear an empowered citizenry that can do things without the pre-approval of liberal bureaucrats.
End the Lockdowns Now
There has never been a greater number of volatile, young, unemployed people, doing nothing.
What Took Trump So Long?
His decision to deploy troops to the streets is welcome but late. Turns out his advisors urged him to stand down.
The “Nothing Matters” Rioters
It’s hard to think of anything more privileged than social media armchairs excusing violence against our poorest and most vulnerable neighborhoods. But so it goes in the Nothing Matters quarter of America.
IG Steve Linick Fired Days After Inquiring About Pompeo’s “Donor Dinners”
The Secretary hosted elaborate unpublicized events with big wig political donors, CEOs, and media, all on the taxpayer dime.
Ronan Farrow Discredited
Well, well, well, the Golden Boy flew too close to the sun.
Why Trump Will Likely Lose in November
With an ultimately unimpressive record, he hasn’t made the right political calibrations to bolster his support.
Masks and Controlling the Uncontrollable
We may not be able to say for sure that mask-wearing (in conjunction with other measures) can reduce the virus’s spread by a measurable amount, but as the doctor who headed that analysis says, it makes sense that a barrier between one’s mouth and the general public is not going to hurt, and might well help.
We Could All Be Michael Flynn Tomorrow
The Obama national security team’s outrageous abuse of power mirrors the underbelly of our prosecutorial system at large.
Anti-Mask Snowflakes of the Right
Seriously, what is wrong with conservatives? Can we not raise objections to masks, social distancing, and the pandemic protocols without making fools of ourselves?
Woke Totalitarianism Wins a Big One
A Pulitzer Prize for ‘1619 Project’ mastermind reveals how little truth matters to journalism elites.
How to Fight Decadence in the Age of Pandemic
Will we find that this triggering event purged the rot from our system, or will something much darker be left behind?
It Took Covid-19 to Expose the Fraud of American Exceptionalism
Our leaders were so preoccupied with remaking the world they failed to see that our country was falling apart around them.
Are Competing Pandemic Projection Models Driving You Mad?
Maybe a better question is, are these computerized forecasts really adding value, or just driving politics?
We’re All Covid Rescue Dogs Now
Peter Van Buren: The COVID-19 virus has turned us into a nation of Momos. Momo is my old rescue dog. She has BB-like pellets embedded under her skin. She jumps at noises and shivers uncontrollably when I pull my belt from my pants at night. She invents new fears all the time—out of nowhere today it was a spray can rattle; last week it was the coffee machine beep. Momo never gets back to normal.