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We’re All Covid Rescue Dogs Now

The American Conservative

Peter Van Buren: The COVID-19 virus has turned us into a nation of Momos. Momo is my old rescue dog. She has BB-like pellets embedded under her skin. She jumps at noises and shivers uncontrollably when I pull my belt from my pants at night. She invents new fears all the time—out of nowhere today it was a spray can rattle; last week it was the coffee machine beep. Momo never gets back to normal.

Achieving National Security Goals Will Be Easier with John Bolton Off the Team

The American Conservative

Bolton was the proverbial wrecking ball in Trump’s national security shop…Trump needs an adviser who is willing to engage in a pragmatic negotiation He needs someone who will hold those within the administration accountable when they refuse to execute policy. He or she should prize restraint and think through all the options when the Beltway loudly urges immediate action.