Trump’s rhetoric may be crude, but his point is correct.
Publication: The American Conservative
Biden Is Slowly Losing the NATO Argument to Trump
The former president was crude but effective when it came to the alliance’s burden-sharing.
Why Was Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview the First Time Americans Have Heard the Russian Viewpoint?
The shielding of Americans from a broader perspective has implications for both the survival of the species and the values we hold most dear.
The Republican Plot Against Trump
The inside story of how Congress Is pursuing endless war in Ukraine—and trying to stop a Trump election.
Jared Kushner for Secretary of State? Really?
Some GOP senators are allegedly in love with the idea of Jared Kushner being Trump’s next secretary of state. You have to wonder why.
Toby Keith, Complicated Conservative
Keith’s unembarrassed patriotism made him a provocative throwback.
Are Americans Headed to a Civil War?
We’ve already had one, so we know it’s within the realm of possibility. In fact, by one reckoning, the English speakers have had two other civil wars in the last four centuries, spaced out every hundred or so years.
Trump Will Win
The fundamentals simply do not favor Biden.
Nikki Haley, Authoritarian-in-Waiting
When it comes to traditional American freedoms, Donald Trump’s sole remaining competitor for the GOP nomination has little to recommend her.
Barack Obama Would Be Perfect for Harvard, Actually
Harvard tends to overcorrect when it gets rid of a president.
Lloyd Austin: A General Crisis
Lloyd Austin’s little unauthorized jaunt is just the administrative state’s latest adventure in unfettered power.
Trump Is Right About Social Security and Medicare
The popular, earned-benefit programs have strengths on the merits.
The Left Finally Discovers the Need for Marriage and Children
The politics that produce the most children win.
The Pro-Life Movement Is Down, But Not Out
It is vital to make the moral argument to the American people.
Did Anyone Ask You About War in the Middle East?
Did anyone ask you—or at least Congress—if it was O.K. to go to war again in the Middle East? After literal decades of fighting in that troubled part of the world, it looks like the U.S. is, without discussion, never mind vigorous debate, already at war in various sub-theaters of someone else’s conflict.
Why Doesn’t Trump Seem to Care?
He is both convinced the system is fully unfair and equally aware that the more trouble he seems to get into the faster his poll numbers rise. Each courtroom defeat, small and procedural or a full-on guilty verdict, simply fans the flames for rally crowds.
When College Presidents Were America’s Conscience
The argument being made by those presidents who refused to speak out against the October 7 attack is that it’s acceptable to promote ideas which contradict the nation’s underlying moral sensibilities.
What Nikki Haley Gets Right
We should thank her for exposing the lunatic id of GOP hawkism.
Germany’s Lurch to the Right
A combination of mass migration and economic woes is likely to crack the firewall around AfD, with wide-reaching consequences not only for Germany, but for Europe.
Jan. 6 Was Not an Attempted Coup
If this really was an attempted coup, it must have been organized by Monty Python.
No Surprises Behind the Fake Meat Lobby
Around 2.6 million years ago, humans started eating meat and, up to today, we have not stopped. Thanks to this, our brains became bigger and more developed. Under the guise of slowing climate change, environmentalist campaigns, the U.N., the Davos Club, and lots of progressive governments’ efforts against the livestock industry and meat consumption have grown.
The Political Assassination of Donald Trump
The former president has proven more difficult to kill off than Rasputin—although not for want of effort from his enemies.
Is Impeachment Worth It?
It isn’t clear that the political payoff for impeaching Biden balances the lost opportunities for real legislative progress.
Resurrecting Covid
The threat of reviving lockdowns and mask mandates appears to increase with every passing day.