We now can surmise that the 2020 basement campaign, supposedly compelled by Covid, was actually a subterfuge, a way to spoon-feed good images and sound bites of Biden to the public and hide his ongoing condition.
Publication: The American Conservative
A Tale of Two Kamalas
The narrative woven about the Democrats’ new presumptive nominee is at odds with her record.
The Kamala Coronation Risks Repeating the Biden Mistake
The vice president may have stopped the Democratic death march, but weaknesses remain.
Why Did Trump Gave a Bad Speech?
If Biden can’t speak for fifteen minutes without mangling names and slurring his words, Trump can’t discipline himself to get his point across in less than an hour. Democrats who had been feeling hopeless heard Trump and, for the first time in weeks, thought he could be beaten, maybe not by Biden but by someone under 70 with an average amount of political talent.
Trump Can Solve the National Identity Crisis
By Vivek Ramaswamy: If you want to seal the border, vote Trump. If you want to restore law and order, vote Trump. If you want to reignite our economy, vote Trump. If you want to revive national pride, vote Trump. If you want to make America great again, vote Trump.
NATO’s Bridge to Nowhere
Formalizing Ukraine’s NATO-ward trajectory is a recipe for continued disaster.
The Case for Vance
Trump should redouble his appeal to the voters who backed him in 2016.
Michigan Pot Is Growing Like a Weed
With one-quarter the population of California, Michigan’s booming cannabis economy has been driven just as much by out-of-state consumers and government incentives as by local potheads.
Biden’s Debate Catastrophe May Be His Last
His voice weak and memory failing, Biden performed so poorly that putting him on stage was pure sadism and, for his party, tantamount to suicide. Biden isn’t too old for a second term; he’s too old for his first.
What Kind of Conservative Will Trump II Be?
The former President, despite some long standing preferences, is not a predictable ideologue.
Europe Votes Against the Ukraine War
In Sunday’s elections, the continent’s national-conservative parties took an important step forward, breaking out of their narrow focus on immigration.
Fauci’s Reappearance Is Awkward for Both Candidates
The man who embodied science now embodies the uncomfortable truth of Covid-era incompetence and malfeasance.
Trump’s Conviction Won’t Matter
The past eight years of legal and procedural war on Donald Trump have muted the effects of any new legal developments.
What if the Gaza Pier Is a Two-Way Street?
The pier the U.S. built on the Gaza coastline has received its first cargo shipments. But it might not just be receiving imports. It might also be facilitating a new kind of export. Although perhaps we won’t hear about that till after the November election.
Not Your Parents’ Protests
Immigration-driven demographic changes and the advent of “wokeness” have radically changed the dynamics of campus politics.
Biden Offers to Turn U.S. Military Personnel into Saudi Royal Bodyguards
Biden took office talking of his commitment to human rights and determination to turn MbS, as the crown prince is known, into a “pariah.” Now the administration is proposing to turn the U.S. military into a modern Janissary corps, a bodyguard for the thousands of royal princes who rule over their countrymen. It is well past time to stop deferring to the KSA.
For Whom Do Biden and Blinken Work?
The duo certainly doesn’t have American interests at heart.
The Biden Administration Is Trying to Guarantee a Forever War in Ukraine
Washington and Kiev are negotiating a bilateral security agreement that mirrors the 10-year commitments Ukraine has entered into with several European powers.
DEI Was Never About Profitability
The claims from business giants like McKinsey and Mark Cuban have been proven wrong—and in the process reveal their real concerns.
Is Gretchen Whitmer’s Surrogacy Law Too Extreme for Voters?
Michigan is the latest state to legalize womb rental in the guise of family-friendly policy.
How Ohio Became the Center of the Republican World
Florida gets all the attention. The GOP power center of the future is closer to D.C.
An Indian Precedent for American Upper Middle Class Radicalism
Americans should read more about the Naxalite movement. There are echoes of the past in current American left-wing activism.
Trump Apocalypse Hysteria Is Spiraling into Madness
Take a dip in the murky waters of recent Trump Apocalypse journalism—it says there’s gonna be a civil war and dictatorship.
Abortion Shows Us Trump’s Populist Essence
The dictum: Hug the middle, avoid being tagged as an extremist.