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Trump Angst Reflects the Tenor of Our Times

If Trump seemed discombobulated on Tuesday, who can blame him? Seemingly the goal of the lawfare campaign against him has been to induce discombobulation. He has been besieged by courtroom appearances, trials, and even the odd verdict for over a year-and-a-half. He has none of the advantages of a normal politician…

Joe Biden, Trump Casualty

The Joe Biden who addressed the convention last night was already a ghost, one fated to haunt the White House until January 20. He’s an angry, impotent spirit. Heedless of his naked hypocrisy, he linked Trump to neo-Nazis in one breath and insisted in the next that he had been a president for all Americans

Why Did Trump Gave a Bad Speech?

If Biden can’t speak for fifteen minutes without mangling names and slurring his words, Trump can’t discipline himself to get his point across in less than an hour. Democrats who had been feeling hopeless heard Trump and, for the first time in weeks, thought he could be beaten, maybe not by Biden but by someone under 70 with an average amount of political talent.