Liberty Paige: Google has decided to ban Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social, from being in Google Play Store. The leftist companies in America are always happy to assist the Democrat party with any political needs that they have in order to help them to win elections.
Unvaccinated Kids Will Be Thrown Out of DC School
LIberty Paige: Democrat tyrannical leftist Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Council say that vaccines are mandatory in schools – even though they do nothing to protect the spread of the virus or infection. However, when you are ruled over by democrats, facts are unimportant and should not get in the way of these despots.
“My Gas-Powered Car Identifies as a Student Loan Now”
Liberty Paige: I had a talk with my Ford Focus the other day. Even though my little white friend isn’t a gas-guzzling SUV devil, the progressive leftists are still coming after her. Looking at the dilemma soon to be in front of her, my Ford Focus has decided to identity as a student loan. That way, instead of getting canceled by the leftists, she’ll actually get money for her very existence.
How Disney Betrayed America
David Kamioner: Earlier this year Disney decided to pick a fight with a popular Republican governor over…get this…exposing elementary school children to perv hijinks billed as sex education. Guess who won? In sixty years, from the innocemt dreams of Walt Disney to its current status as a mouthpiece for a radical social agenda, Disney has betrayed America by turning its back on the virtues that made it successful.
CDC: Sorry I Killed You. My Bad
Liberty Paige: So the CDC has finally admitted that they haven’t known what they have been doing during the pandemic. A surprise to none of us.
The Leaking Trump-Hating Government Is a Disgrace
When it suits their needs, the democrats will leak whatever they want to for their friends in the media in order to control the narrative. They hand out information for THEIR side of the argument with no due process for the other side – kinda like the Jan. 6th hearings.
Dear Merrick Garland — We Don’t Believe You
Liberty Paige: Nice try, Mr. Garland, in your attempt to shame us because we push back on your corruption and the corruption of the DOJ and FBI. Your attempt to scold us for calling you out for your raid on former President Donald Trump has fallen on deaf ears. Same goes for your story that Trump is a threat to the country, in need of having his house raided for dastardly deeds.
IRS Agents Are Literally Gunning for You
Liberty Paige: Now we know why the IRS has been buying ammunition. It’s because they will be using it against the American people.
FBI Raid on Trump Smacks of Banana Republic Tactics
David Kamioner: Those who read this column know I carried no brief for Donald Trump. But the FBI has become an armed wing of the Democrat Party. It has the integrity of the Gestapo. It employs the tactics of the KGB. Papa Doc may as well become director. In this instance Trump is exactly right.
Racist Dems on Full Display in Herschel Walker Race
Liberty Paige: After winning his primary easily with the help of a Trump endorsement, Herschel Walker is enemy number one in the south. On MSNBC, the day before the primary election in Georgia, radical and leftist Elie Mystal, black correspondent on The Nation, called Walker “so clearly unintelligent” and also called him the republicans’ “negro.”
Run, Gavin, Run
David Kamioner: Newsom is talking about challenging Biden in the 2024 Dem primaries. Any Republican should welcome him and do all they can to promote a Newsom candidacy. The resulting Dem wipeout in a general against Ron DeSantis would be enough to clip Dem wings for some time and may even portend a glimmer of hope for the rotting desiccated husk of a state that is California.
CNN Needs to Change Its Name to J6N
Liberty Paige: CNN has been the leader in the January 6 committee coverage (unless there’s a breaking story on abortion or a mass shooting). Other than that, CNN is pretty much January 6th all the time now. I think the more accurate name for these folks would be “J6N” as in the January 6th Network.
Biden Prefers Getting Our Oil from the Country of 9/11 Terrorists
Liberty Paige: Every decision after shutting down Keystone XL has been one layer after another to not only destroy our energy independence, but get rid of our energy production all together in favor of the sun, the wind and riding horses to work.
Clueless Taco Jill Says Something Stupid at Hispanic Event
Liberty Paige: There’s really nothing more cringeworthy than an old white democrat trying to appear hip and cool and pretend like they care about the minorities they pander to for votes. Or they give backhanded compliments and make inappropriate jokes.
Donald Trump and Sarah Palin?
Liberty Paige: Palin was the rogue outsider before Trump claimed the mantle of the anti-establishment politician. They would be perfect together – in a real campaign or a fake one.
Abortion Is Gone Is Another Lie from the Left
David Kamoiner: Riddle me this. If, as pro abortion types claim, the “right” to an abortion has been ended, then why have woke corporations like Disney, Uber, and Apple pledged to provide free transportation and lodging to women traveling to states that allow abortions?
Is Cassidy Hutchinson a Double Agent to Bring Down the Jan. 6 Committee?
Liberty Paige: Maybe Hutchinson isn’t a liar – or even saving her own butt. Maybe she’s working with her old boss Mark Meadows and President Trump to bring down the January 6th committee and expose them as the corrupt clown show that they are.
Parents Still Desperate for Baby Formula and Joe Is Still a Sucky President
The Biden administration is probably “happy” that other recent news items have swept the baby formula crisis off most of the news networks, even Fox News.
The Criminal Indictment of Trump Is Coming
David Kamoiner: The main goal of this committee is to make a strong enough case against Trump to pressure AG Merrick Garland to criminally indict him for Jan. 6. That is a very bad idea. Do the Democrats really want the consequences of such an indictment and show trial? The country had been through enough. If Trump faces criminal charges his devotees could take to the streets and make the BLM and Antifa shenanigans of 2020 look like a Girl Scout outing.
Trump Is Vulnerable in 2024
David Kamioner: The smart Republican plan would be to upset Trump’s plans and wound him enough in early primaries to make him vulnerable enough for a DeSantis, Tim Scott, or Nikki Haley to come in to administer the coup de grace. But who will wound him? Who could play Gene McCarthy to his LBJ? Republican Larry Hogan, governor of Maryland.
Raising the Age Limit on Gun Ownership Will Kill Women
Liberty Paige: What will happen to the woman who left her ex-boyfriend after he assaulted her multiple time? What about the woman who lives in the middle of the country on a long winding dirt road? The democrats don’t care about these women who haven’t reached the age of 21 yet and are leaving them to be sitting ducks to rapists, stalkers and murderers.
Dems Salivating Over Upcoming Jan. 6 Extravaganza
Liberty Paige: Nobody cares about the Jan. 6 committee – except Trump haters with no lives of course. It’s a diversion. It was created to help the democrats in the November elections, to keep Trump off the ballot the next go-around in the presidential race, to federalize our elections and to get rid of the electoral college.
Blacks Hired as White House Props Are Exiting the Biden Administration
Liberty Paige: Proud segregationist Joe Biden is hemorrhaging black staffers in The White House because they’re sick of being used as props and not being a real part of the administration.
Deplorable Biden Uses Commencement Speech to Go After Political Enemies and Lie
Liberty Paige: Biden decided that a commencement speech at the University of Delaware was the place to spew the ongoing democrat lie that Trump insurrectionists killed police officers when they stormed the Capitol on January 6th.