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Biden Goes to Border and Finds Out It’s Not a Book Store

Liberty Paige: Poor Joey. He thought he was going to Borders, the bookstore (even though it closed years ago) but his evil staff tricked him and he ended up at the southern border. The whirlwind trip has been a great photo-op for the president because he stayed in “safe” areas where he wasn’t photographed anywhere near the Mexican cartels or the homeless illegal aliens.

How to Survive the Democrats

Liberty Paige: What we all have to understand is that this is an ONGOING BATTLE. In an ongoing battle, you don’t quit. You re-group, re-strategize and you stay in the game. Even the Democrats don’t win all of their battles. They figure out other ways to win. They are very good at that. We aren’t.

The Green New Deal Snow Job

Several people were killed by Mother Nature’s opening salvo for the winter of 2022/23—but I am positive that somehow the left will of course preach from the mountaintop that massive snowstorms and temperatures in the low teens are a sure sign of the end of the world. I’m also sure they’ll say it’s all my fault because I drove my pickup truck over the weekend.

Time to Fight Like Democrats

Mitch McConnell has got to go. The idea that he spent millions on the Alaska Senate race is outrageous. It was never going to a Democrat he just wanted for his RINO friend Lisa Murkowski. Kevin McCarthy also failed to create any serious messaging before the Election and should not get the gavel even if the Republicans squeak out the majority.

Indians Should Be Thankful for Columbus


David Kamioner: Before the Western explorers arrived, disease, tyranny, tribal infighting, barbarism, and other such fun was rife. I’m not saying the Spaniards got there and everything turned to Skittles and unicorns. But, the road to civilization was begun. The native mayhem and carnage that had gone on for hundreds of years, if not more, would have continued unabated if the explorers hadn’t arrived and, by serious trial and error, cleaned up the joint.

Why Are the Dems Trying to Wipe Us Out?

Liberty Paige: Dangerous vaccines, monkeypox, short staffed hospitals, killing old folks in nursing homes during the pandemic and refusing us therapeutics, threatening the Russians and North Koreans, reducing our weapons stockpiles, releasing our emergency oil reserves, overspending us into irreversible debt, open borders, instigating and exacerbating a crime wave…The list goes on and on.

The Political Implications of a Hurricane

David Kamioner: Ron DeSantis has a test coming up very soon. It concerns how he handles Hurricane Ian.If he screws up, he’ll watch his presidential ambitions deteriorate. Though, no matter what he does the leftist press are already planning to make him out to be a cold heartless buffoon responsible for the death of many because he couldn’t properly deal with the storm.

Google Dumps Trump

Liberty Paige: Google has decided to ban Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social, from being in Google Play Store. The leftist companies in America are always happy to assist the Democrat party with any political needs that they have in order to help them to win elections.