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The Establishment Is Trying to Undermine Trump

Spero News

Newt Gingrich: The anonymous op-ed published by The New York Times Wednesday is the most stunning proof we have seen so far of the liberal media’s aggressive bias and the very real efforts by parts of the institutional establishment to undermine the President, the U.S. Constitution, and the will of the American people.

Trump Reflects on His Personal Connection to Judaism

Spero News

In advance of the Jewish holy days during a call with leaders of the Jewish community, the president touted the relocation of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the withdrawal of the United States from the UN Human Rights Council, the pulling out from Barack Obama’s deal with Iran, and the deportation of elderly Nazi war criminal Jakiw Palij.

Mueller’s Fatal Mistake

Spero News

Newt Gingrich: There is now no excuse for Special Counsel Mueller to ask to interview President Trump. In fact, it is now clear the investigators have been given so much information about the President’s actions and had such remarkably open access, they should just close shop and write their final report.

Why the Media Focus on Stormy Daniels

Spero News

Who cares about Stormy Daniels? The media care. Indeed, they are obsessed with the story. They are also angry: they are angry that the public doesn’t care. Nor does the public care about the tapes that President Trump’s former lawyer has about Trump’s alleged sexual encounter with a former Playboy model.

The Real Culprits in the Toronto Terror Attack

Spero News

It is common now after a jihad attack that law enforcement automatically announce the perpetrator is mentally unstable, not a jihadist. For example, in the latest terror attack in Toronto, police stated the shooter Faisal Hussein struggled with mental illness. They say this because they believe it to be true

What Have We Done Since Landing on the Moon 49 Years Ago?

Spero News

Newt Gingrich: Instead of building a robust space program, we built a robust space bureaucracy. After nearly 50 years wandering in a mostly Earth-bound wilderness of red tape – and spending roughly $555 billion on risk averse, underwhelming, mostly unmanned space observation projects – we have not truly taken Armstrong’s giant leap.

Demographic Implosion for Whites in the UK and US

Spero News

According to a new report, the second largest city in Britain will become a “majority minority” metropolis by 2021. The “super-diversity” of Birmingham means that white Britons are set to become the minority among the city’s 1.2 million-plus people…The trend is apparently mirrored in the United States.

Here’s How Illegal Aliens Are Taught to Elude Law Enforcement

Spero News

While the Trump administration is tightening up on immigration law enforcement, the ACLU is assisting illegal immigrants in avoiding arrest and deportation. The ACLU has produced an animated series that provides information about enforcement techniques used by ICE while the agency is detaining persons suspected of being illegally present in the US.

How the Muslim Brotherhood Influences Hollywood and Young Minds

Spero News

Deborah Weiss, author of “Islamist Influence in Hollywood,” said that platforms such as Hollywood productions and social media are influential among young minds in shaping their world-views. She targeted the Council on American-Islamic Relations as being especially successful in censoring media by hectoring its opponents, threatening lawsuits, and strong-arming movie producers