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How Trump Shares Lincoln’s War Against Fake News

Spero News

Newt Gingrich: When The New York Times printed a wildly false headline asserting that Trump was possibly a Russian agent, I was furious. However, I was also reminded of another time in our nation’s history in which the press was this hostile to the American President. I called President Trump and told him no president since Abraham Lincoln had faced the kind of unending bias and hostility that he is living through.

Pentagon Concedes to Muslim Sharia Law

Spero News

The U.S. military continues to bend its strict grooming rules for Muslims, most recently allowing an Air Force sergeant to sport a beard for religious reasons. It marks the sixth — and counting — religious waiver permitting a beard in service for the Air Force.

The Growing Number of Terrorists Who Cross the Southwest Border

Spero News

While President Trump may have raised the prospect of terrorist border infiltration to gain political advantage, facts would support his contention that Middle Easterners from places like Syria, Iraq, and Egypt, as well as from South Asia and the Horn of Africa, do indeed routinely travel the same routes as Hondurans to the U.S. southern border and that some terrorist suspects have traveled among them.

Outspoken Pro-Trump Activist Shut Down by Social Media

Spero News

Social media conservative personality Laura Loomer was banned from Twitter because of a tweet directed at Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar, a Muslim and Democrat who represents a district in Minneapolis. Loomer said in a video statement that she plans to sue Twitter for criticizing Omar, who is the first Muslim former refugee elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. 

The Storm Brewing on the Border

Spero News

Newt Gingrich: MS-13 gang members have already been found in the mass migration (although some have claimed they are no longer affiliated with the gang). It is not hard to spot them with their MS-13 tattoos. It is only a small leap in logic that MS-13 will be using the caravan as a cover to increase their drug and human trafficking operations.

The Dire Threat to America’s Southern Border

Spero News

Newt Gingrich: The caravan from Central America that has grown from 3,000 to 4,000 people in the last few days is an attempted invasion and an attack on the United States…Thousands of people have openly stated their intention to break American law and invade our country. Other people are funding this deliberate effort to invade America.

Results Vs. Resistance in the Cultural Civil War

Spero News

Newt Gingrich: What the Democrats don’t realize is that the election this fall is not going to be about President Trump — it’s going to be about what kind of America we want to become. This is a big, historic choice for American voters. They will have the opportunity to choose between Republican results and Democratic resistance.

If Not Kavanaugh, Who?

Spero News

Newt Gingrich: If this decent human being, with an exemplary record as husband, father, friend, and judge can be smeared and maligned, who is going to be capable of surviving the Left’s ruthless dishonesty and willingness to lie, intimidate, and destroy?

Undercover Video Reveals Socialist Resistance Within DOJ

Spero News

In the video, DOJ paralegal Allison Hrabar is alleged to have used government-owned computers and software on behalf of the Democratic Socialists of America. Also featured in the video is Jessica Schubel — the former Chief of Staff for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the Obama administration.