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Moody’s Election Model Predicts Easy Trump Victory

Rush Limbaugh

Mark Zandi is a prognosticator of some repute for Moody’s financial services, any number of analytics and data analytics. Zandi is a well-known, uber-leftist — pro-Democrat out the wazoo — and he is panicked, because this guy Zandi and his firm Moody’s, they have models that they use to forecast and predict presidential elections, three of them. And none of them have been wrong since 1980.

Matt Lauer Accused of Doing What Bill Clinton Did

Rush Limbaugh

Women were told to go party like the guys. It’s cool to go to a guy’s hotel. You’ve got the power, girlfriend, you run the things now, go do what you want to do. And then after the guy misunderstands all this newfound freedom that you are exhibiting, you feel violated, after having sex with the guy. I’m telling you, it does more to screw things up than anybody will ever admit. I mean, you could claim that your career would be hurt if you don’t have sex with Weinstein. Gotta do it. It’s what you gotta do to get the job.

Crazy Bernie’s Heart Spooks Market as Investors Fear Warren

Rush Limbaugh

Let me tell you why the market’s down. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has nothing to do with impeachment. It has to do with Crazy Bernie in the heart hospital. Because that vaults Elizabeth Warren over everybody on the Democrat side, and the markets — we’ve had the news all week — they hate Elizabeth Warren. They want no part of Elizabeth Warren. So that’s probably why the markets have plummeted.