Why didn’t CNN’s Dana Bash jump down this guy’s throat when he told her that basically Mayor Pete’s sexuality is a problem among Democrat voters in South Carolina? Why aren’t all the Drive-Bys asking about this? Why aren’t all the Drive-Bys out taking James Clyburn to the woodshed? Well, we know the reason.
Publication: Rush Limbaugh
Bill Barr Is Blowing Up the Mueller Travesty
The fact that they got an indictment and wanted to charge Stone with anything was all the evidence any of us needed that they didn’t have a thing on anybody.
DOJ Reverses on Stone Sentencing
Ah, my friends, this is so much fun to watch… They are about to blow a gasket in the Drive-By Media.
Rush Shares His Cancer Diagnosis
My intention is to come here every day I can and to do this program as normally and as competently and as expertly as I do each and every day, because that is the source of my greatest satisfaction professionally, personally. I’ve had so much support from family and friends during this that it’s just been tremendous. I told the staff today that I have a deeply personal relationship with God that I do not proselytize about.
The Republicans Who Can Fill Trump’s Shoes in 2024
If you look at the young, energetic Republicans in Congress — the Jim Jordans, the John Ratcliffes (gosh, I don’t want to leave anybody out here), Lee Zeldin — there’s all kinds of them. I’m leaving some out. Kevin McCarthy. There’s a bunch of them here that are a new breed. They are brawlers; they’re fighters. They’re not the typical Republicans afraid of the media, afraid of what’s gonna be said about them if they stand up.
Ted Koppel and Walter Isaacson Are Losing It: The New Abnormal
These clowns are actually discussing whether or not Trump represents the United States on a trajectory that would take us back to Nazi Germany. Koppel, thank goodness, says, “Not yet.” But he reserves the right to change his mind. These people are losing their minds.
Apple’s Great Earning News Teaches Lesson in Media Malpractice
There has yet to be a price paid by any of these people for getting it so wrong and for embarrassing their publications, their papers, their networks.
Hillary Feels an Urge
Look at this, folks! Look! New York Post headline: “Hillary Clinton Admits She Feels an Urge to Run Against Trump Again.” Mrs. Clinton, are you sure it just isn’t diarrhea? Maybe constipation?
Perfectly Timed Bolton Leak Follows Old Playbook
Doesn’t this seem strangely like the Kavanaugh hearings? We’re on the verge of Kavanaugh getting confirmed, and, all of a sudden, here comes Christine Blasey Ford.
It’s Time to Expose Adam Schiff
I think it’s so bad, some kind of penalty needs to occur to this guy, some kind of comeuppance or punishment. I don’t know how.
Dems Have 24 Hours to Make a Case Without a Crime
Have you ever heard of any criminal trial with an opening argument, an opening statement of a week or four days. Twenty-four hours. And here’s the rub. They don’t have a case. They don’t have a crime.
Dems Desperately Seeking 4 Jeff Flakes
They are targeting four Republican senators to vote with them to go against McConnell’s rules to open it up to new evidence and new witnesses.
Drive-bys and Dems Wanted Violence in Virginia
You could tell the Drive-By Media was just hoping that this rally in Virginia today would turn horrible and terrible and it would be a repeat of Charlottesville.
Trump Has Produced Unparalleled Economic Success
Wages are up 2.9% year over year, but the important thing, again, about the wage increases is where they are happening. They are happening at the lower end of the pay or wage scale.
Ivanka Wows CES
Ivanka Trump participated in a recent consumer electronics show out in Vegas, and I thought it was fascinating that she did.
Media Melts Down Over Iran’s Pathetic Strike
These people cannot even conceive of the fact that we’re the good guys.
Trump Has Restored America as the World’s Lone Superpower
Any retaliation that they engage in is gonna result in them being hit 10 times worse than whatever they dish out, and they know it.
America’s Anchorman Interviews President Trump
Rush: We are happy to have here with us the president of the United States, Donald Trump. It’s so great to have you back here, sir. Trump: “(Soleimani) should have been taken out a long time ago. And we had a shot at it, and we took him out. And we’re a lot safer now because of it.”
Obama Working Behind the Scenes with Elizabeth Warren
Obama would like the radical left to take over this country as much as anybody.
We’re in a Battle to Save America
I don’t think enough people realize exactly what we are all up against today when opposing the American left or the Democrat Party.
Pelosi Doesn’t Want Trump Acquitted
She’s not gonna permit an acquittal. This is all about the blemish. This is all about the asterisk. This is all about the black mark.
Nadler’s Impeachment Soap Opera Runs 658 Pages
Are you kidding me? Jerry Nadler can’t read 658 pages. It would take him 10 meals.
The Only Person of the Year Is Donald Trump
So TIME magazine names little 16-year-old Greta Thunberg as their Person of the Year. Now, I, frankly, think it’s pathetic.
TIME Names Propagandized Child Person of the Year
The best they’ve got to advance that failing cause is a 16-year-old?