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Trump’s Walk to St. John’s Church Reassured the American People

Rush Limbaugh

If Barack Hussein Obama — the same set of circumstances, but Barack Hussein O is the president — had Obama decided to walk out the front door of the White House, down the driveway, across the street to Lafayette Park and over to St. John’s Church, it would have been hailed as the second coming of Jesus Christ Himself. The Drive-By Media would have been bowing down all along the route.

Dems Demand You Wear a Symbol of Fear

Rush Limbaugh

Now, when the hell did going to work become political? Right now — right here, right now — and who has made this possible? Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, all these mask-wearing freaks demanding that you use the symbol of fear, demanding that everybody wear the symbol of fear. 

Why Trump Punches Down at Joe Scarborough

Rush Limbaugh

Look what they did to Trump’s family, the allegations being made, the golden showers story in the Steele dossier. So it’s not surprising to me that some in the White House might be thinking, “Hey, Joe, let’s see how it feels. Let’s see how you like it, Joe, being accused of something absolutely bogus,” and we now know that Joe doesn’t like it very much.

Fauci Muzzled!

Rush Limbaugh

Dr. Fauci is positioned right behind President Trump’s left shoulder (at Friday’s Rose Garden press conference) wearing a gigantic mask. It looks like Dr. Fauci has been muzzled. He’s not gonna like the image this conveys.

Why Doesn’t Trump Get Rid of Fauci?

Rush Limbaugh

Why is Anthony Fauci the only medical and health official anybody ever consults? Why wasn’t there a panel of doctors the Senate committee talked to yesterday? There’s all kinds of different doctors out there. There’s all kinds of different health experts. And they’ve all got their own theories of what’s going on here and how to deal with it, what’s the best course of action. 

Michelle Obama’s Netflix Film Flops

Rush Limbaugh

Her Netflix documentary — in the middle of a pandemic, when everybody is at home — was a bomb… I don’t mention this ’cause I get thrill out of other people’s failures. It’s to illustrate a long-held belief that the Obamas are not universally loved and adored.