She can’t even stand up on her own! She was wearing sandals here. She had to take the sandals off to finish the trek.
Publication: Rush Limbaugh
North Korea Breakthrough Panics the Trump Haters
The North Koreans are literally off-the-charts insane, and it might be something as simple as inbreeding. Who the hell knows. These people are odd…So Trump may be thinking, “You know what? I’m gonna make them think I’m unpredictable. I’m gonna make them think that I am a madman.”
The Democrats Don’t Care About People
This is something that needs to be permanently frequently stated, ’cause the Democrats get away with a lot of crap, folks, because it’s supposedly rooted in compassion, and specifically compassion for the little guy, compassion for the middle class, compassion for the downtrodden, the homeless, the hungry, the thirsty, you name it.
Michael Flynn Forced to Sell Home
What an absolute bogus outrage. A great patriot for this country is having to sell his house to pay legal fees.
Jane Mayer’s BS New Yorker Story on Trump, Romney and Putin
Mayer asserts that Donald Trump wanted Mitt Romney as his secretary of state but that Vladimir Putin put the kibosh on it because Putin has blackmailable data on Trump…The story gets heralded by the Drive-By Media. And a bunch of sponges all over the country soak it up and believe it to be true.
The Sad State of Hollywood
I’ve seen a photo from “The Shape of Water” of the fish-like creature in his tank with the woman looking longingly at him and their hands are touching there through the glass…Any woman that would fall in love with this guy has gotta be deranged.
Have You Seen What’s Happening in South Africa?
It’s all white-owned property. The African National Congress is gonna seize it.
The Phoney NRA Boycott Backfires
Companies like FedEx, which do not buckle, are going to increase their business manifold times. It’s gonna be almost a geometric expansion in appreciation for having a spine.
Rush’s Advice to David Hogg: Skip College and Go Straight to Journalism
There is not a network out there that wouldn’t hire him today and give him his first journalism award after one week, just like they did Ronan Farrow.
The Government Failed, But the NRA Gets the Blame
All of the prevention that was in place and none of it was used, none of it was utilized. And, yet even after all of that, the NRA remains the number one culprit and the number one target.
CNN’s So-Called Town Hall Facilitated Hate
I certainly hope everybody watching (Wednesday night), if you were watching, this disgrace CNN put, trying to call that a town hall: I hope if you watched that, you see what I’m talking about. I hope you saw, I hope you noted how the last thing that was about was the safety of children.
Democrats Have Hijacked the Student Protests
The whole point is that the protests that are happening here today are being portrayed as not political. “The only sick people engaging in politics are the people commenting on it.” It’s a time-honored trick. You take some innocent victims and whatever they say and you proclaim that to be above politics, while all it is is politics. But it’s inoculated. It’s protected. It’s insured.
Limbaugh Says It’s Political as Shooting Survivors Head to Tallahassee
Florida school shooting survivors to head to Tallahassee, Florida, state capital, to press lawmakers on gun control. But it’s not political, you see. It isn’t political, but they’re going up there to the state capital. It isn’t political. The students, They’re not political. They’re the ones that were shot at. That means they’re the only ones we should listen to.
What Rush Limbaugh Thinks About the Parkland Students Organizing
Everything they’re doing is right out of the Democrat Party’s various playbooks. It has the same enemies: the NRA and guns.
Barack Hussein O Painting Outsourced to China
Obama’s picture, his portrait, was outsourced. Kehinde Wiley outsourced it. I’ve never heard of that. Is nothing real anymore? Does nobody actually do their job? Does everybody have somebody behind the scenes actually doing the work while other people are taking credit for it? It boggles my mind how often I run into this.
Black Panther Mania Takes Racist Country By Storm
Are you sick of living in a racist country where a movie featuring a black actor as a black superhero is poised to set box office records?
CNN Ventures into Trump Country
CNN sent one of their ageless reporters, a guy named Martin Savidge, they sent him out there into the jungle to basically talk to Trump supporters. It’s a jungle to them. You need a visa. You need a unit director to tell you where, you know, “We’re going to Kentucky. Can you tell me where that is?”
Celebration of Kim Jong-Un’s Sister Illustrates Media Hatred for Trump and Pence
Lest there be any doubt — and I don’t know how there could be any longer — but if there is any doubt of the relentless, undiluted, sheer hatred for conservatism, for Donald Trump and Mike Pence, all you have to do is look at the media in unison in North Korea trying to make a heroine out of the sister of Kim Jong-un.
Finally! The California Exodus Begins
Now, we know that there has been a migration of small businesspeople out of California to places like Idaho. But it hasn’t been anything momentous, although it’s been happening. But this story out of San Jose: “The number of people packing up and moving out of the Bay Area just hit its highest level in more than a decade.”
“Pencil Neck” Schiff Should Step Aside
Pencil Neck is trying to track down a bogus set of nude photos of Trump. He’s deadly serious about it, thinking they exist, falling for the scam, sending his staff trying to get these photos and so forth. Why shouldn’t he be forced to step aside?
Trump Trolls Liberals with Military Parade
The left is fit to be tied over this. You don’t do this! You don’t! The U.S. military’s the focus of evil in the modern world. You do not display your might and power this way. It’s got them just totally unhinged. And I think for that reason Trump would do it.
Maybe the Best SOTU Speech I’ve Ever Seen
Here is the only number you need to know from last night, the only number you need to know. Forty-three percent of Democrats watching the State of the Union liked it. That’s the only number you need to know. That number is going to shock, perplex, stun, and panic elected Democrats all across the fruited plain.
Clyburn and Gergen Have Lost Their Minds
Mussolini, Hitler, Watergate, Watergate, it’s all these people know, Watergate, Watergate, Watergate. Trump hasn’t done anything!
Did You Hear What Happened to Lester Holt?
Lester Holt reported on what a great place North Korea is and how much fun the citizens have there — and they go on vacation like Americans do, and they go skiing! And the whole thing was a propaganda setup and Lester Holt fell for it.