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As Predicted, America Rejects Comey

Rush Limbaugh

The American people do not care about James Comey in the way James Comey thinks they did or could be made to care or would someday care. James Comey had not established the kind of bond with the American people that would allow him to become the conscience of a country, which is what he thinks he is.

The Cohen Raid Has to Be About More Than a Campaign Finance Violation, Right?

Rush Limbaugh

This raid had better produce something more. If that’s all this is, then heads are gonna have to roll after this. There had better be something more than trying to find what Trump did with a porn star 12 years ago, or getting a story killed at the National Enquirer. Hell, everybody tries to get stories killed in the National Enquirer except those who know they can’t.

Democrats Think Ticket to Victory Is to Hide Who They Are

Rush Limbaugh

If they try to turn this party in the November campaign into a bunch of Conor Lambs running for the House, the backlash from the mainstream of the American Democrat Party and left is gonna be so bad, these people are gonna end up losing seats in the House, if they think the ticket is to go out and find a bunch of other Democrats to run as Conor Lamb did.