This woman is great. She is fearless. She’s unintimidatable, if that’s a word.
Publication: Rush Limbaugh
Trump Calls Rush Limbaugh on 30th Anniversary of Show
President Trump: “This is your favorite president, and I think you are fantastic.”
Trump Didn’t Take a Knee, Lebron
I hear that LeBron James (LeBron James!) did an interview on CNN. You know the noted political expert, LeBron James? LeBron James says that President Trump is using sports to divide the nation. Really? LeBron James! At least Michael Jordan knew that Republicans buy sneakers too.
Dem Consultant Calls Trump Voters Idiots
Mark Brown, a top communications official for the Tennessee Democratic Party currently working as the leading spokesperson to help Democrat Phil Bredesen win the Senate race against Republican Marsha Blackburn, has made a number of over-the-top comments on social media, including calling the president…I can’t even use the word here. Uhhh… (sigh) The root of this word is the F-bomb.
Where Do Young Socialists Think Money Comes From?
They think their neighbors are gonna be getting all this stuff free. They don’t think their neighbors are gonna pay for it, and they don’t think they’re gonna pay for it.
Democrat Congressman Wants Taxpayers to Pay for Tampons
This gives a whole new meaning now to bleeding-parts liberals.
Former Clinton War Room Lawyer and Defense Hack Provides CNN with Secret Tape
There’s nothing here. We’ve been here and done that, and it’s just the latest attempt by the media — I’m getting sick and tired of having to give credence to every one of these bogus attacks.
What California Should Do to Conserve Energy
I really think if California would just turn off all of the liberal programming they consume, things would be better in that state. If they just turn off MSNBC, turn off CNN.
Hillary Undermines Democracy Under the Tent She’s Wearing
Hillary was wearing a tent, and she was whining and moaning and talking about how tired she was and how exhausted. Now, who is it that’s threatening our democracy? Who is it that’s refusing to accept the results of an election to this day?
The Thinking Class Is Clueless on Trump and Putin
Can anyone cite a single example when a U.S. president directly confronted another country’s president in public?
Why Haters Can’t Judge Trump By His Action
They can’t focus on the actions because there Trump looks good. Trump is achieving many things, and he’s really being hard toward Putin and hard toward Russia.
Why Trump Did Not Acknowledge Russian Meddling (Pro)
The Russians have been meddling in America since before I was born, folks. It isn’t news. It isn’t worthy of a special counsel doing a counterintelligence investigation. None of this has been necessary. The media looked at this press conference as the day they’re gonna nail Trump. Instead, Trump’s turning the tables on ’em.
Trump Critics Disgusted He Won’t Defend Intelligence Community Trying to Destroy Him (Pro)
Why are former members of the intelligence community still working to undermine Donald Trump and why is he supposed to speak up for ’em?
We All Have a Smirking Peter Strzok in Our Lives
We’ve all known a guy like this, and we don’t like him, and we resent him. He’s arrogant and condescending and seems to get away with everything. No matter what, gets away with everything. And has the audacity to tell you that what you saw you didn’t see and that what you know you don’t know.
Trump Calls Out Merkel’s Pipeline Pact with Russia
This gives Russia incredible leverage over Merkel!
Kavanaugh’s Modest Means Shows He’s Honest
This is a net worth, not counting the home, of under $100,000.
Hillary and Bill’s Commercial Airline Photo Op Worked Like a Charm
This airplane had to be filled with people that don’t like the Clintons, but did you notice not one person assaults ’em, not one person confronts them, not one person threatens them.
Mueller Cited as Reason to Stop Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee
Shortly after the Kennedy retirement was announced, I predicted this…
The Term “Progressive” Is the Biggest Lie in Politics
They are regressives! They want to take us back to poorer economic times, larger and bigger government.
With Zero Tolerance, America Will Cease to Be America
If there were no deterrents at the border, if we didn’t stop them, we would be overrun.
The Left Begins to Realize What Just Happened
The parents — who are already detained — will continue to be detained and their kids will be detained for longer than 20 days. In other words, they’ll be together in jail.
Kirstjen Nielsen Beats Back Fake News
Kirstjen Nielsen was on fire. I thought she was tremendous (Monday), but then you look at the Drive-By Media coverage afterward, they hated it.
Unpacking the Manufactured Migrant Children Crisis
This is a political issue, and it has roots in the Democrat Party playbook, as I’ve previously demonstrated. The Democrats have an operating play in their book that says “Republicans hate X,” fill in the blank.
Paul Manafort Has Been Separated from His Family
Paul Manafort has officially been separated from his family. I doubt you’ll see this characterized as such anywhere else. Paul Manafort has been deprived of all family time going forward with no bail.