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It’s an Orchestrated Democrat Smear

Rush Limbaugh

Kavanaugh’s accuser is a far-left, social justice warrior professor, and she has a grudge. It doesn’t mean she’s a liar. Now, you combine who this woman is with the Drive-By Media and Dianne Feinstein’s months-long holding of all these ancient allegations for political advantage, and it is pretty clear that we have an orchestrated Democrat smear right out of the Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas playbook. 

Kavanaugh Story Takes a Despicable Turn

Rush Limbaugh

Kavanaugh has been in the news I don’t know how many times in recent years. He has undergone similar congressional hearings, confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee for his previous posts. He has worked in the Bush administration. He’s been involved in government lawyering for many, many years. Why now?

A Huge Stockpile of Water Was Found in Puerto Rico So Trump Was Right

Rush LImbaugh

Hundreds of thousands of water bottles meant for victims of Hurricane Maria are still sitting at a Puerto Rico airport nearly a year after the storm. Now, how does that happen? Trump doesn’t squander that water. We sent that water….We didn’t “not distribute it.” Then you’ve got the mayor of San Juan running around talking about how despicable Trump is. Would these people go so far as to hide hundreds of thousands of bottles of water from their own people just to make Trump look bad? And the answer is “yes.”

The NY Times Anonymous Op-Ed Could Have Been Written by….The NY Times

Rush Limbaugh

Do you know that more and more people are now beginning to suggest that that New York Times op-ed was actually written by the New York Times? Exactly as I, your host, mentioned yesterday. I wouldn’t be surprised if nobody wrote it other than some editorial board member at the New York Times, and there are some people now suggesting that that could be the case. (2nd paragraph)