If these clowns in print journalism cannot make it, it’s because people don’t want to read or see or watch what they’re producing! Pure and simple.
Publication: Rush Limbaugh
Who Told Amy Klobuchar She Has a Snowball’s Chance in Hell?
The minute that she announced, here came stories about what a b-i-itch that she is to her staff. Have you seen those stories? She is mean as she makes them pick up her dirty clothes. She makes them do her dishes. She makes them recharge her iPad and iPhone, and if they don’t, they get an earful.
Bezos Sends Genitalia Pics to Mistress and Trump Gets the Blame!
Bezos owns the Washington Post, and the media’s circling the wagons to defend him and somehow try to link Donald Trump to this. But, aside from that, what does it say about the leadership of Amazon? What does it say about the leadership of the Washington Post that this is what — and these people are all leftists.
Leftists Think America’s Founding Was Evil
It’s important to know what really is propelling and fueling this move to socialism and this unmistakable anti-Americanism that they now proudly own.
Another Racist Democrat Admits to Wearing Blackface
I wonder how many people are understanding that it’s Democrats who are being accused of this, Democrats who did this.
Trump Could Be Our Hardest-Working President
To somebody like Trump the absolute biggest waste of time is a meeting…The reason a lot of people like meetings is because they carry with them the aura of being involved. “Yeah, I had a meeting with president today. We were talking about blah, blah.”
Non-Citizen Voting Confirmed in Texas and Pennsylvania
We’ve known instinctively that this was happening. We know this is happening because the Democrat Party is behind it. You’d be shocked I’m sure to learn what the numbers are in California if we could ever get a reading on that.
Drive-Bys Blame Record Cold on Global Warming
If you’re talking to stupid people who think they are intellectually brilliant, you have an almost impossible task.
Brokaw Apologizes for Telling the Truth
Twitter did what it does, it “blew up,” and Brokaw was being called a racist and a pig.
What Happened to All the Shutdown Suffering?
Have you noticed that all of the suffering, all of the misery, all of the disastrous results from 30 days of the government shutdown is gone?
What to Make of the Temporary Shutdown Pause
President Trump said that he “trusts the Democrats will negotiate in good faith,” which is the flaw here in the thinking. But he knows that.
Why Isn’t Trump Obeying Putin on Venezuela?
So how can it be that Vladimir Putin’s best buddy and the guy who owes the Russians everything — Donald Trump — would so blatantly and publicly end up supporting the overthrow of Putin’s buddy and friend in Venezuela?
Conservatives Don’t Start Culture Wars. We Defend Our Culture
One day, everything about us is supposedly racist, bigoted, homophobic, reprehensible — and they expect us just to sit here and be docile under this assault?
Covington Kids Deserve Our Admiration, Not Condemnation
Those boys were the epitome of “respect your elders.”
The Truth About the MAGA Hat Kids and the Native American Vet
This group of kids from Covington remained calm and restrained. They are the ones that didn’t do anything! They didn’t even hurl any insults! They did not react! They behaved as well-mannered teenagers should. They’re the ones that had class in this whole thing.
Trump Strikes Back and Cancels Pelosi Trip
There’s not a single other Republican with the gonads to even get close to doing this. It’s the real thing.
“Do a State of the Union Rally, Mr. President!”
We don’t need our president in the House chamber run by a bunch of radical leftist, hate-filled Democrats. What Trump ought to do is a rally or, better yet, rent out an arena and don’t do a rally but do a literal State of the Union address and literally talk about the State of the Union and the Democrats’ role in destroying it or damaging it.
Why These Two Russia Hoax Stories Now?
Okay. So it’s like Groundhog Day. It’s deja vu all over again! The New York Times and the Washington Post with gigantic stories on literally nothing! But headlined to make it look like there’s a new development in the Trump-Russia case, and that is that Trump was actually working and reporting to Russia.
Trump’s Beating Chuck and Nancy Big Time
Do any of you have the sense that President Trump is winning this shutdown battle with Chuck and Nancy? I do.
Jim Acosta Makes the Case for the Wall
The reason that there aren’t any illegals and the reason there isn’t a crisis is because there’s a steel slat wall, and he’s standing right next to it!
Democrat Morticians Respond to Trump
This is what you see when you walk into the funeral home to make arrangements to bury a dead family member. Look at Schumer there! Look at Pelosi!. We’re gonna add Adam Schiff, a bug-eyed Adam Schiff to this photo, gonna put some caskets in there because that’s exactly what these two people the look like.
How Can Anyone Say Illegal Immigration Isn’t a National Crisis?
This is a question that I think is a microcosm of the overall question that we face regarding the country at large: Are we in a crisis?
Fauxcahontas Gets Herself a Beer
The Democrats are showing us that they have a jaundiced view, a perverted view of the people who elected Trump and who they are, and they’re already attempting to appeal to ’em.
“Why the Drive-By Media Wants You to Think I’m Running the Country”
Depending on the day, depending on the issue, I’m the titular head of the Republican Party, conservative movement, and the next, “Ah, he’s just an entertainer.” For 30 years, it’s been that styling. So to give you a flavor, here is the montage. This is audio sound bite No. 1, and it’s the exasperated Drive-By Media convinced that I am running America.