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Did Dems Tip Off Iran About Military Strike?

Rush Limbaugh

Now, the stories that surfaced were that there were people in the White House meeting and there were some Democrats in the meeting, committee chairmen, who immediately made phone calls to Iran with the location of the attack, and that the Iranians then moved a hundred to 150 men, women, and children who are afraid of climate change into that location.

Zucker Wins Awards for Tanking CNN Ratings

Rush LImbaugh

This guy has single-handedly presided over CNN losing two-thirds of its audience and they give him an award. It’s an object lesson in how those people circle the wagons and behave and make sure that whatever happens, nothing is going to tarnish the business, the business in this case being the media.

Who Is John Dean?

Rush Limbaugh

The reason John Dean has become a partisan hack is because he learned very early on in the Watergate scandal that his true avenue of escape was to suck up to the Washington media that hated Richard Nixon. If he could, in their eyes, become an ally in the war against Nixon, he would forever be embraced and given new life and credibility. And that’s been the case.