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Keep a Sharp Eye on the Obamas

Rush Limbaugh

The Obamas are so far above this level of plebeian battle. Let these reprobates battle it out and destroy them and, in the process, maybe do great damage to the party and then swoop in, after having spent no money, and after having made nobody mad, Michelle (My Belle) Obama swoops in to save the Democrat Party from itself to a roaring media crescendo of excitement and approval. Don’t rule it out.

Is Mueller Hearing This Stuff for the First Time?

Rush Limbaugh

I think it’s entirely possible that Robert Mueller hasn’t a lot of knowledge about what really went on here. I think it’s entirely feasible and entirely possible, and I think that he was chosen precisely because he can’t be hands-on anymore. He was chosen purely for the puffery of it all. He was chosen for the PR value of it all, for the reputation…

Migrant Chic: Elite Liberals Will Want the AOC Toilet

Rush LImbaugh

This is gonna become chic. You’re gonna have elitists have their own versions of upscale models of this put in closets and in their homes and so forth because of this has happened now. This is what leftists do. They turn these things that the disadvantaged and the oppressed use, and to show solidarity with them they upgrade them and manufacture their own luxury version of it and put it in their own home.