MSNBC brings this lunatic in who says that Trump is Hitler and is secretly signaling to all of his neo-Nazi, white supremacist supporters…Now, I maintain to you that somebody willing to go on TV and literally say this has lost their mind….(And) there’s a network that is putting them on, a network that is permitting this and promoting this.
Publication: Rush Limbaugh
New York Times Changes Accurate Headline to Please Democrats
There is no such thing as media. There is no such thing as actual journalism being practiced by what we call the mainstream media. It is all left-wing activism.
Black Voter Says She Doesn’t Recognize the Democrat Party Anymore
What Lynn (the caller) is saying here is that African-American people need to be told that the Democrat Party has basically forsaken them for illegal Hispanics.
HUD Official Says AOC’s District Is Riddled with Rats and Maggots
Oh, my goodness. This is happening in the Ocasio-Cortez district?
Keep a Sharp Eye on the Obamas
The Obamas are so far above this level of plebeian battle. Let these reprobates battle it out and destroy them and, in the process, maybe do great damage to the party and then swoop in, after having spent no money, and after having made nobody mad, Michelle (My Belle) Obama swoops in to save the Democrat Party from itself to a roaring media crescendo of excitement and approval. Don’t rule it out.
Why Rush Limbaugh Thinks Trump Should Go to California
Just going to California to make a serious campaign speech sends the signal that we are going for every vote, that Trump is president of the whole country.
Democrats Don’t Know How to Defeat Trump, So They Wanted Mueller to Do It for Them
Despite Mueller’s infirmities, despite Mueller’s incapacities and his now incompetence, they rolled the dice. They hoped and prayed.
Is Mueller Hearing This Stuff for the First Time?
I think it’s entirely possible that Robert Mueller hasn’t a lot of knowledge about what really went on here. I think it’s entirely feasible and entirely possible, and I think that he was chosen precisely because he can’t be hands-on anymore. He was chosen purely for the puffery of it all. He was chosen for the PR value of it all, for the reputation…
Trump Highlights “AOC Plus 3” Policies, Hits High in Poll
When this banshee starts talking about a $20 minimum wage, Trump accepted it and then started referring to it as the official proposal of the Democrat Party.
Mueller Set to Breathe New Life into the Russia Hoax
Folks, it’s gonna be a brutal week with Mueller and the Democrats and whatever they have concocted.
Don’t Be Surprised if Michelle Obama Gets Into the Democrat Presidential Race
When it looks like none of them has a chance of beating Trump, here comes Michelle (My Belle) Obama at the latter moments of the campaign to jump into the fray.
Trump Steps Back from “Send Her Back”
I’m fed up with it! I’m frustrated beyond my ability to deal with it. I hate the defensiveness.
“Go Back to Where You Came From” Isn’t Racist
One of the problems we have in this country is that racism has become one of the most casually thrown about insults.
The Anti-American Squad’s Vile Press Conference
The Democrat Party is the number one hate group in the country, followed by the Drive-By Media.
Delay of Mueller Hearing Causes Panic on the Left
The impeachment impetus, the momentum, the inertia is dead. It’s vanished.
AOC Accuses Pelosi of Bigotry!
Holy smokes, folks, Nancy Pelosi’s getting a dose. She is getting some treatment, the kind of treatment we usually get.
The Left’s Latest Trump Slayer
Now it’s Megan Rapinoe of the U.S. women’s soccer team who’s gonna bring down Donald Trump. Yes, sir!
France to Impose Eco-Tax on Air Travel
This is the Green New Deal being implemented in France. This is wacko environmentalism.
What the President’s Salute to America Meant to Rush Limbaugh
When those jets flew over, I felt an immense pride, and I could envision the pilots in those jets, and I started imagining what it must be like for them to be on that team.
Migrant Chic: Elite Liberals Will Want the AOC Toilet
This is gonna become chic. You’re gonna have elitists have their own versions of upscale models of this put in closets and in their homes and so forth because of this has happened now. This is what leftists do. They turn these things that the disadvantaged and the oppressed use, and to show solidarity with them they upgrade them and manufacture their own luxury version of it and put it in their own home.
Liberals Hate You! They’ll Beat You Up and Spit on You in Restaurants
It is our existence they hate. It is the fact that we disagree and oppose them that they hate. They despise us.
The Democrat Party Is a Bigger Hate Group Than the KKK
They all hate us, and they all want to relegate us to a status of nonexistence and irrelevancy, and their hatred for us is propelling them.
The Democrat Debate: How Does This Stuff Sell?
Good lord, folks, if you don’t have to watch these debates, don’t. It’s punishing. I mean, it is tough slogging.
Slump Hits Big Media Because They Lied to Their Audience
What has happened is the people are tired of being (on the case of the left) either lied to or set up for big things and let down. They just don’t trust ’em anymore. It’s not that Trump has become more boring.