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The Political Future of the Trump Family

Rush LImbaugh

You’ve got Ivanka. You have Donald Trump Jr. You’ve got Eric Trump. You’ve got up-and-coming Barron Trump. You have the wife of Eric Trump, Lara Trump, who is, believe me, a brilliant political strategist. So who among these people would be your preferred carrier of the ring? You know, at the top of the list is always Ivanka.

Obama to Give Green Light to Dems to Take Biden Out?

Rush Limbaugh

If Obama gives the green light to Democrats to take Biden out, there will be ample evidence that Biden has lied about his knowledge his family was selling his name and office with his permission, and if that’s in fact the case, then there’s likely unreported money that will be found. The fake news media will temporarily become hard news media if the decision is made that Biden has to step down.

“I’m Not Advocating for Secession!”

Rush Limbaugh

I’ve seen people speculate that there cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs. That we can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way. And then I reiterated that I know that there’s a sizable and growing sentiment for people who believe that we’re headed (for), whether we want to get there or not, secession. I never would advocate for secession. I’m simply repeating what I have heard. 

We Have Covid Vaccines Because Trump Swept Away Regulations

Rush Limbaugh

It is a major, stunning achievement that could have only happened in this country. President Donald Trump single-handedly did away with restrictive, penalizing, obstacle-oriented regulations. Had the regulations that were in place when Trump was inaugurated remained in place during this past year, we wouldn’t be talking about nearing the release of a vaccine for anything.