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Who’s More at Fault? Hillary or Trump Jr.?

Right Wing News

This micro story about a Trump Jr. meeting with a purported Kremlin-related attorney has been opportunistically harnessed by some to prove a broader, evidence-free, macro story of Trump campaign collusion with Russians in hacking the DNC and releasing Hillary Clinton’s emails to the public. But the micro fails to prove the macro, though the left breathlessly alleges it does.

American’s Outraged Over Timing and Destination of Obama’s Latest Vacation in Indonesia

Right Wing News

Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country.  Now obviously Obama has exhibited a tender spot for Muslims in both his book and his Presidency, and it caused a lot of Republicans and conservatives to wonder if he was a Muslim himself.  So why is this relevant? Because his trip also coincides with the extended Eid al-Fitr holiday, which comes at the end of Ramadan.

CNN Works Hard to Help Illegal Immigrants with Five iPhone Apps

Right Wing News

Under the headline, “5 Must-Have Apps for Undocumented Immigrants,” CNN/Money listed “tools [to] arm undocumented immigrants with knowledge, safety and moral support without compromising privacy.”  They were developed with an eye toward the Donald Trump administration, which promised to crack down on illegal immigrants — most especially those who have committed felonies while in the United States.