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NFL Commentator Troy Aikman Sends Liberal Sportswriters into a Tizzy


The sports world used to be safe haven for those looking to step away from the world of politics, careers, and stress; we just wanted to have a beer and relax in front of the game. The wokesters are doing their best to take that away too. No, the dress comment didn’t offend me, and only those among the perpetually outraged class are truly upset.

Jen Psaki Throws Biden Under the Bus


Psaki fled the White House for the ideological safety of MSNBC, where she didn’t have to spend every day thinking of how to justify the latest ridiculous thing that Joe Biden said. But now that she’s free of having to cover for Biden, she managed to let a significant truth slip out of her mouth when she was talking about the midterms with Chuck Todd on Sunday.

Libs Escalate Their Accusations Against Trump


Trump possessed nuclear documents that were so important they warranted an FBI raid, but the government waited 18 months to execute the raid and then made zero arrests? You know, because the government is famous for not arresting people for stealing nuclear secrets. Sounds totally legit, right?

After the FBI’s Trump Raid, Don’t Take the Bait


There is nothing the Biden administration and the left at large want more than another January 6th moment before the mid-terms. They long for it, and they are willing to do anything to try to manipulate a reaction out of the right to feed into their narrative. Why? Because they believe it can save them from certain destruction in November.

Mrs. Zelensky Welcomes Vogue to the War Zone


America has sent tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine with almost no oversight on how our money or equipment gets used. We do not need a glowing profile of the wife of the president of a corrupt oligarchy that happens to be fighting another corrupt oligarchy. What most Americans want is a plan to end this scuffle.

Desperate Jill Biden Panders in Gaffe-Fest at “LatinX” Lunch


If you don’t know Spanish or you’re using foreign words you don’t understand in your remarks, at least have someone explain them to you. Because if you don’t, you’re going to come off sounding very bad — like Jill Biden. Let’s hear as Jill talks about those “bogidas” and compares the community to “breakfast tacos.” Yikes.