CNN thought that they were going to destroy Trump during their town hall. They thought host Kaitlan Collins was going to ask tough questions and make Trump look silly. But it ended up making CNN look bad (that’s assuming they could look any worse than they already do). Collins did not help herself at all. She looked unprofessional…
Publication: RedState
Full Video Further Complicates Narrative Around Jordan Neely’s Death
The latest video shows pretty definitively is that this was not a “lynching” or a targeted killing. Penny’s actions after releasing the submission hold do not appear to be those of a man who was intending to cause permanent harm. (Story includes video)
Lefties Seethe in Anger After Famous Rockers Come Out Against Mutilating Kids
Two famous glam rockers are causing a stir after coming out against child mutilation performed under the guise of “gender-affirming care.” Paul Stanley of the band KISS kicked things off by putting out a statement denouncing the practice, calling it a “sad and dangerous fad.”
Fired CNN Anchor Don Lemon Says He “Has No Regrets”
In a weird way, some conservatives will miss him. His silly antics, degrading treatment of women, and shrill leftist viewpoints gave us ample ammunition, someone to point to and say, “see, this how crazy the left is.” He was living proof that CNN is a shill for the Democratic party.
Fox News Braces for Impact of Tucker Departure
Fox News may face challenges in filling the void left by Carlson. To put it simply, it will be nearly impossible to replace him with a personality that could match his contributions to the network. As a prominent figure in conservative media, Carlson had a unique style and approach that resonated with his audience.
Fetterman Comes Back to Work in Gym Attire
It might seem mean-spirited to question Fetterman’s fitness for office, but it’s an entirely legitimate inquiry. As many have argued, it seemed cruel for his family to not call for him to step out of the race. But he didn’t, and for now he’s back in the United States Senate. One can’t help but wonder how long this will last.
Conservatives Can’t Ignore Dylan Mulvaney
What’s wrong is Mulvaney purporting to be a woman, assuming he can in any way truly experience womanhood, taking jobs from women through his endorsement deals, supporting/advocating for policies allowing children’s bodies to be maimed, and sexualizing children.
Dems Pick a Dying Chicago to Showcase a Lost Joe Biden
It’s been driven down by a series of feckless mayors and an unharnessed woke culture that perverts the brusque brawn and historic broad-shouldered, productive prominence of the Windy City.
The Media Will Soon Forget the Louisville Shooting Because It Doesn’t Support the Gun Control Narrative
Just like the Nashville shooting is in the process of being memory-holed because of the politics and sexual minority status of the shooter, we can count on the Louisville shooting rapidly receding into the media’s rearview mirror because of the socio-economic status of the shooter and his family and the shooter’s politics.
MTG Leaves “60 Minutes” Interviewer Fuming After Answer on Dems Sexualizing Children
Greene uses the word “pedophile” when the word “grooming” is probably a better fit for what she’s specifically talking about. When the congresswoman finishes her answer, accurately pointing out that Dems support the sexualization of kids, Stahl rolls her eyes in a huff. She doesn’t tell Greene that she’s wrong. That’s because what the congresswoman said is true.
Mainstream Media Go into Overdrive Trying to Politicize Nashville Tragedy
Our lapdog media to stay as far away from the facts as possible and instead try to blame this event on gun policies or MAGA. It’s heinous that so many would try to parlay a horrific event into a chance to make political statements.
Twitter Is Censoring Republicans Again
Apparently, daring to suggest that there be any nuance in US policy toward Ukraine is off-limits for the Twitter hall monitors that remain at the company. Carlson is one of the biggest names in conservative thought (even if he strays from orthodox thinking at times). To have him search-banned is pretty nuts, and it smacks of the actions taken prior to Musk’s takeover.
Conservatives Need to Promote the Right Arts More
Conservative sites should embrace cultural engagement in both the classic and contemporary realms. The latter is challenging; discovering nuggets amid the morass can be exhausting. That said, in a world where every day makes it ever more apparent the opposition sees us as subhumans deserving extermination, we need to fortify ourselves with more than snarl and snark about how liberals are poopyheads.
Diversity and Drag Define 2023 Oscars
Prior to the show, there was hope, largely driven by the nominations made, that some return to normalcy would prevail. Perhaps, just maybe, the award process wouldn’t boil down to producing the best “diversity” storylines. But nope, it was exactly what you’d expect. Top Gun: Maverick was nominated for seven different awards. In the end, the massive box-office hit hauled in a single win for Best Sound.
Chuck Schumer Shows What a Coward He Is Regarding Tucker’s J6 Coverage
The fact that Schumer doesn’t have the courage to accept Tucker’s invitation to appear on his show and answer real questions shows you all you need to know. What a feckless character he is. He just wants to threaten Fox and Carlson, without having to stand up for what he’s saying.
Fetterman Staff Releases “Proof of Life” Photos and They Don’t Look Great
What is happening is largely unprecedented, and what’s in those photos shouldn’t provide any comfort about Fetterman’s condition. Think about it. This is a United States senator sitting in a purple room in a mental health wing pretending to go over legislation as if these photos aren’t completely staged.
Trump’s Nationalism Kept the Peace
Nationalism puts into action the belief that one’s country warrants top priority over others. It believes competition sparks the best in people seeking to reap a reward available strictly through being earned, not doled out to all regardless of merit courtesy of a fuzzy, fatally flawed belief in mandated fairness that works solely within lollipop dreams under cotton candy skies realm.
Climate Change Hits Los Angeles
First blizzard warning in decades issued.
Project Veritas Is Dead
The nature of CEO James O’Keefe’s departure is going to sour the public view of Project Veritas. O’Keefe is largely a beloved figure by the right-leaning public and his treatment at the hands of the board will instinctively cause O’Keefe’s fans to sour against the brand. They will view the board, now in full control, as villains.
Mayor Pete Is Too Busy Blaming White Men for Things to Be Bothered with Train Derailment Disaster
When a train derailed in Ohio, forcing the evacuation of East Palestine, Ohio, Mayor Pete was nowhere to be seen or heard. He was busy doing more important transportation things, like blaming white men. For what you may ask? Is there anything that cannot be blamed on white men?
Huckabee Sanders’ Response to Biden Fever Dream Hit All the Right Notes
The content was fiery, as Sanders called Biden unfit to serve and flat-out stated that it’s the radical left in control of this country, not Biden.
RedState Celebrates Black History Month
We here at RedState are excited to celebrate Black History Month, because it is a month to celebrate freedom, capitalism, and the story of a nation that is always working to be better than we were yesterday…To start off the series, we celebrate an American hero who is very familiar to RedState readers…Dr. Ben Carson.
Laid Off Google Employees Learn the Hard Way That Woke Corporations Don’t Care
Google is “woke” because it feels like that’s what gets it the most money, but it isn’t a “woke” company at its core, it’s just the dress it’s wearing to this party. It’s also not your friendly neighborhood internet company. It’s a corporation that plays on your emotions so you’ll give it money.
The Paul Pelosi Story Has Been So Thoroughly Muzzled, News Organizations Sue to Get Information
The Paul Pelosi attack story disappeared from the news for a reason; the courts are blocking the details from getting out.