Liberals and progressives thrive on pretending they’re desperately concerned that the government isn’t being Christian enough. It’s laughable.
Publication: RedState
Trump Is Right to Blast James Comey on Twitter Today
President Donald Trump was on Twitter early this morning to take aim at James Comey and a “rigged system” following yesterday’s revelations that the former FBI director had decided not to recommend indictment long before Hillary Clinton was actually interviewed by the FBI.
What the Ladies of RedState Have to Say About the #WarOnHeels
Normal, red-blooded American women, like the ladies of RedState, love their shoes – especially their feminine, sexy heels. We know that they elongate our legs, make our derrieres look good, and send a signal that we’re women, not wannabe men.
Atheists Are Losing Their Minds Over Rubio’s Daily Bible Verse Tweets
Susan Wright: For some time now, Rubio’s Twitter feed has featured daily verses of Scripture. Apparently, the stampy-footed, perpetually aghast atheists are demanding that the man censor his own Twitter account, in order to accommodate their worldview.I guess nobody has explained to them “unfollow” or the mute feature.
Trump’s Phoenix Rally Boasting Quickly Contradicted by Fox News
Susan Wright: Trump spent part of that maniacal hour and a half slamming the so-called “dishonest media,” and only praising his campaign headquarters, Fox News. Meanwhile, Fox News was one of the first outlets to discredit him.
Fox News Host Kat Timpf: Trump Press Conference Was Big Mess
President Trump’s performance at a press conference today about the horrible events in Charlottesville over the weekend isn’t getting rave reviews. Not even at normally Trump-friendly Fox News.
Trump Should Fire Bannon But He’s Too Weak and Afraid
Ben Howe: So why does the alt-right continue to escape so much as a finger wag from this president? The answer is Steve Bannon. Obviously.
There Is One Group to Blame for Charlottesville and It’s Not the Media
As made evident by the last election cycle, the alt-right is nothing but poison.
Goaded by NY Times Story of 2020 GOP Challengers, Trump Lashes Out
You have to wonder if the New York Times isn’t poking Trump with a sharp stick, here. He tends to get nutty when he thinks a member of his circle is getting more attention than him
Al Gore’s Inconvenient Hypocrisy Part 2
The list of ways Gore’s original dire bromide became a scientific punchline are legion, and lengthy. …In Britain the country went from requiring the film be shown in schools to having the courts dictate there were enough inaccuracies to then have it removed.
Military Loses Its Mind Over Military Transgender Ban
Progressives want “transgender” individuals to be able to use the armed services as their own personal welfare program. Join up, get some hormones, even get a sex change, all on the taxpayers’ dime.
John McCain’s Sanctimonious and Disgraceful Speech
Patterico: I was impressed with the first few minutes (of the speech). Then it got to the part where we have to do the right thing and cooperate with Democrats who never cooperated with us. To paraphrase McCain: to hell with that.
Fox News’ Kat Timpf Assaulted at Campaign Event
These kinds of attacks must be curbed and spoken out against on both sides. Unfortunately, the Left’s penchant for physical assault and violence is well-known and long expected.
CA Judge Fines Pro-Life Activist for Exposing Evils of Abortion Industry
How invested in Planned Parenthood are the politicos of California? It would appear that the state’s protection of the baby butcher mill is enthusiastic, to say the least.
Oh Look — Trump Is Right on Trade
Trump has for decades rightly pointed out that we are the 800-pound gorilla in the trade room. But we have again and again negotiated – like we’re a mouse cowering in the corner. Candidate Trump promised to throw around our considerable weight. President Trump has started doing so.
Blame Obama for Russian Meddling
Sen. Ted Cruz explains to an extremely rude NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent, Kasie Hunt, why President Donald J. Trump’s Russia is vastly superior to the Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton appeasement of Russia.
The NYT Excuse for Smear of Sarah Palin Doesn’t Pass the Sniff Test
There was no honest mistake. The actions of the New York Times was either deliberate and reckless or at the least, profoundly careless and sloppy.
Union Files Grievance Against Goat Herd for Taking Away Members’ Jobs
The very existence of government employees’ unions is problematic at best but at times it becomes downright ridiculous. At Western Michigan University, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees has filed a grievance against a herd of goats being used on campus to clear a wooded lot of undergrowth and poison ivy.
CNN and NBC Continue to Give Trump Fake News Fuel
There is a press corps that allows Trump and his surrogates to make it easy to shout “fake news” because the media continues to get basic facts wrong. Today, Jim Acosta of CNN and Katy Tur of NBC both repeated a claim that has been shown to be incorrect. First, Acosta beclowned himself on television.
Vengeance! CNN Confronts Reddit User Who Made Trump/CNN GIF
Joe Cunningham: This is an absolutely absurd piece of journalism – the type of thing I’d expect a blogger with an ideological vendetta to pull. Not something CNN attaches its name to… or, at least something I wouldn’t have expected of them prior to 2017.
New Poll Shows Big Jump in Foreign Confidence in America
Pew Research polled the world to see how Donald Trump changed people’s confidence in America. It’s amazing that the numbers changed this much, seeing the change from Barack Obama.
The Left Is Good at Protesting but Not Much Else
Watching Democrats and their manifest incompetence on display going back to the 2016 campaign, I’m not that concerned. For all the ways they can organize protests and get people out on the street to speak truth to power, they cannot channel that energy into winning elections.
Watch HBO’s John Oliver Get Sued by America’s Largest Coal Company
Leftists typically believe that nothing is sacred when it comes to attacking an industry that they feel is harming the planet. Exploiting a tragedy…is not surprising for comedy pseudo-news. Actually it wouldn’t be surprising coming from actual journalists.
MSNBC’s Mika Doesn’t Believe It’s Worth Her Time to Talk About the Truth
Essentially, anything the left disagrees with will be fact checked — and popular fact-checkers have also been shown to have a bias against conservatives — but when Republicans speak the truth it will be passed over as not worth talking about.