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Al Gore’s Inconvenient Hypocrisy Part 2


The list of ways Gore’s original dire bromide became a scientific punchline are legion, and lengthy. …In Britain the country went from requiring the film be shown in schools to having the courts dictate there were enough inaccuracies to then have it removed.

Oh Look — Trump Is Right on Trade


Trump has for decades rightly pointed out that we are the 800-pound gorilla in the trade room. But we have again and again negotiated – like we’re a mouse cowering in the corner.  Candidate Trump promised to throw around our considerable weight. President Trump has started doing so.

Blame Obama for Russian Meddling


Sen. Ted Cruz explains to an extremely rude NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent, Kasie Hunt, why President Donald J. Trump’s Russia is vastly superior to the Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton appeasement of Russia.

CNN and NBC Continue to Give Trump Fake News Fuel


There is a press corps that allows Trump and his surrogates to make it easy to shout “fake news” because the media continues to get basic facts wrong.  Today, Jim Acosta of CNN and Katy Tur of NBC both repeated a claim that has been shown to be incorrect. First, Acosta beclowned himself on television.

The Left Is Good at Protesting but Not Much Else


Watching Democrats and their manifest incompetence on display going back to the 2016 campaign, I’m not that concerned. For all the ways they can organize protests and get people out on the street to speak truth to power, they cannot channel that energy into winning elections.