Employment Policies Institute released a study that is bad news for the #RaisetheWage folks, but more importantly, it’s bad news for all Californians. Seems people’s quest to hike the minimum wage to $15 will cost a lot of people their jobs.
Publication: RedState
Islamic Violence Continues as Swedish Synagogue Is Firebombed Over Jerusalem Announcement
Sweden is a country that opened its borders to migrants from the Middle East and North African countries. The pouring in of Muslims has left the country with skyrocketing crime rates, including assaults and rapes.
Whiled Mired in Debt, Puerto Pays Out Christmas Bonuses to Federal Employees
The island will pay out roughly $100 million in Christmas checks this year while facing tens of billions of dollars in the red.
Democrats Really Are Economic Idiots as Their Tax Reform Analysis Proves
Tax reform now will stimulate our economy, help pay-down the national debt, and provide tax relief for working families. It is the greatest tax reform package since Ronald Reagan was President, and it must pass even over Democrat hysteria.
There Is No Excuse That Justifies Voting for Doug Jones in Alabama
At RedState, there has always been one hard and fast rule: Oppose abortion at all costs. Jones supports abortion right up until the baby is out of the womb, and even then it’s probably debatable for him.
Media Promotes Gay Pedophilia Movie as Oscar Worthy in Midst of Hollywood’s Pedophilia Problem
“Call Me By Your Name” features Armie Hammer playing a 25-year-old man who begins a romance with a 17 year old boy.. Critics in the media are already raving about the movie and don’t seem to have enough good things to say about it.
Despite What the Liberal Media Say, Not Attending College Doesn’t Make You a Dumb Conservative
If you didn’t go to college, in the mind of the media, you’re a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal who doesn’t know any better than to vote Republican. This narrative has been used in-force in the aftermath of the Virginia elections earlier this month, and its horribly unfair.
Arianna Huffington Alleged to Have Been Uncaring About Sexual Harassment at HuffPo
The Huffington Post, old feminist faithful, was apparently not as friendly to women as it likes to pretend it is, and was guilty of allowing sexual assaults to occur to female staff members according to a recent tell all report. What’s more is that Arianna Huffington knew all about it.
Sandra Bullock Will Play Abortion Barbie in the Most Unnecessary Biopic in Human History
The leftist elites in Hollywood will most assuredly gush over a film (“Let Her Speak,” about Texas Senator Wendy Davis) whose heroine bravely defends the baby murder industry from the uncivilized and ignorant hayseeds of Texas.
The Media Fails to Mention that the Texas Shooter Was Stopped by an AR-15
What media outlets don’t tell you is Stephen Willeford used an AR-15. That’s right. One of those “military-style assault weapons” they’re always crowing about.
Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy Exploits the Blood of Innocents for Politics
Ignoramus blowhards like Senator Murphy don’t lend anything to the debate about firearms. He exists for the moral handwringing and calls to “do something.”
Glamour Magazine’s “Women of the Year” Awards: No Accomplishment Required
It seems apparent that one of the requirements to being named on the Glamour list is that you hew to leftist dogma. Towing the line of liberalism, and opposing President Trump are far more important than actually accomplishing things.
After NYC Terror Attack, Political Group Is Proud of Its Ad of Truck Chasing Down Children
What can be said of the Latino Victory Fund running an inflammatory campaign ad depicting a truck driver hunting down minority children, just hours before a terrorist used a truck to run down people in New York City? And what if that same organization actually was proud of its disgustingly racist depiction, even after the disturbing event?
Why Did the Press Get Cold Feet Reporting About Kevin Spacey?
It’s time for the press to step up, do their job, and begin to uncover the rot that permeates Hollywood below the glitzy surface. The Hollywood community has been operating with impunity for decades. It’s time to pull back the curtain.
Why Americans Distrust Big Media: Incredible Spin on Kevin Spacey Pedophilia Accusations
Much of Big Media portrayed the Real Story as being . . . Spacey’s admission that he is gay. No, seriously.
Ugh! Stevie Wonder Joins NFL Kneelers by Performing National Anthem on His Knees
In the midst of NFL kneelers destroying the great sport of football, beloved musical artist Stevie Wonder has decided to join in the idiocy by performing the Star Spangled Banner on his knees in solidarity.
Judge Denied Restraining Order Against Gunman Who Shot 5 People in Maryland
Here’s a case where the judicial system was made aware of a violent individual and they did nothing about it. If they were focused on warning signs more than on impeding law abiding citizens’ access to firearms, they might have stopped this shooting
Jane Fonda Is Still Rattling Off the Same Nonsense She Did in the 60s
Actress Jane Fonda’s radical leftism is still driving her to support anything anti-right, as she revealed in her latest interview with BBC.
Michael Moore Proposes New Amendment Empowering Criminals and Making Us Defenseless
Michael Moore wants to repeal the 2nd amendment and replace it with a 28th amendment which would infringe upon rights that the founding fathers said “shall not be infringed.” Michael Moore is a hypocritical clown who got rich by attacking capitalism, and no, we shouldn’t just ignore him.
Democrats Are Shamefully Scapegoating Gun Owners in Vegas Aftermath
Josh Kimbrell: Knee-jerk reactions and political hysterics won’t help anyone recover from what happened Sunday evening. Politicians of both parties should back-off and allow the investigation to run its course before assigning blame to the NRA, gun manufacturers, or racism.
Sandy Hook Mom Blames Congress for Vegas Shooting, Invokes #TakeAKnee and Climate Change
Hillary Clinton isn’t the only one trying to make political hay from the mass shooting in Las Vegas. Nelba Marqués-Green, the parent of one of the children murdered by Adam Lanza during his attack on Sandy Hook Middle School, is blaming Congress for the Las Vegas shooting.
Fox’s New Primetime Lineup Is Pure PR Genius
Fox News announced earlier this week that conservative radio host Laura Ingraham would take the 10 p.m. ET slot. Just days later, it announced that the network’s justice correspondent, Shannon Bream, would sit in during the 11 p.m. ET hour.
Entire Pee Wee Football Team Takes a Knee During National Anthem
Let’s call it the Kaepernick Effect, in honor of the unemployed quarterback whose hair seems to get bigger as his employment chances get smaller. You know, the guy who’s amongst the elite of the elite in terms of income, but presumes to lecture the rest of us about oppression.
“Morning Joe” Panelist Admits Press Will Love Trump’s Democratic Shift
On Friday morning, MSNBC analyst Mark Halperin admitted what many already knew to be true: The media will give positive coverage to Trump the more he sides with Democrats and their policies…because they themselves like “liberal policies.”